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Mina pov) Ochaco can i talk to you? it's about Izuku did he take two months before the two of you made love?

Ochaco pov) Mina my experience is a little bit different. He went into heat and when he's in that state he can't control himself plus you'll have an overwhelming desire to be with him. Mina's eyes got wide. He was in heat for our first time. But to answer your question he does take his time because he doesn't want to pressure you into being with him. If you want to make love to him you're probably going to have to make the first move. But I'm going to warn you wait for Friday or you might regret it. 

Mina pov) Ochaco had a mischievous grin on her face when she gave me that warning. I thought guy's just said that because they are horny. 

Ochaco pov) Izuku is different but he'll be the one to explain that.

Mina pov) Ochaco is he really that big I thought you guys were exaggerating. This made me a little nervous. Did your first time hurt?

Ochaco pov) Yes it did but he was gentle. To be honest it still hurts a little when we first start. Plus he has stamina for days. That's why I wanted him to take multiple lovers.

Mina pov) have you ever been with him with and another lover at the same time?

Ochaco pov) yes and he wore both of us out. Mina don't worry to much about it he'll never pressure you to do anything he'd be happy to just watch a movie with you. 

Mina pov) Thanks Ochaco this really makes me feel better we'll talk more about this later. Ochaco gave me a lot to think about. I couldn't get him out of my head. It been two months and his other form still gives me the chills. I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice Toru walk up to me until she put her hand on my shoulder. It made me jump a little.

Toru pov) Mina are you ok I've been trying to get your attention what's bothering you? you look like your lost in thought. 

Mina pov) It's about Izuku he and i have been dating for two months and he still hasn't made a move on me. I don't know, i guess I'm just used to telling guys to slow down and now that i have one that doesn't pressure me i don't know how to deal with it.

Toru pov) Mina not to sound mean at least you have his attention. All of you have his attention he literally doesn't see me. I like him too but he'll never notice because I'm invisible. I'm sorry Mina i didn't mean to snap at you.

MIna pov) I've never heard Toru sound so sad and hurt before she's always been easy going and fun i never stopped to think about her. None of us did. Toru I'm the one who should be sorry i'm your my best friend and i never stopped to ask you if you liked him too. 

Toru pov) It's not your fault Mina. Look If you want him make the first move he doesn't seem to be the kind of guy to pressure you. 

Mina pov) Toru I'm going to ask him out on friday would you like to join us. 

Toru pov) No i don't want to be a third wheel. You go and have fun.

Mina pov) I'm planning on giving myself to him but I'm scared to and your the only other girl in our class that understands how i feel about being different. I'm pink all over with horns my nipples are a darker pink. your completely see through we are the only two who knows what it's like to be a little insecure about our looks. please come with me.

Toru pov) i don't think he even likes me like that and I've never been with anyone. 

Mina pov) I've never been with anyone. Plus we get to share our first time together and with the same guy. 

Toru pov) Mina when you talk with him I want to be there but I don't want him to know I'm there i want to see his reaction then I'll give you my answer.

Mina pov) I could hear the fear of rejection in her voice and i put my hands on her shoulders and said as soon as you're ready we'll go.

Izuku pov) I was holding Ochaco's hair as she was throwing up again the smell of certain foods have been making her sick lately i told her to go see recovery girl if things don't get any better soon. when there was a knock at the door Tsuyu answered the door then called for me. Tsuyu has effectively moved in along with Jiro. Ochaco was rinsing out her mouth when i went down stairs. I asked Eri to keep an eye on Ochaco for me and she got up from the sofa and went up stairs. It was Momo at the door. I invited her in and she said i would like to talk to you out here if you don't mind. 

Mina pov) Izuku i would like to ask you a question and i need you to put some thought into what I'm about to ask you. 

Izuku pov) Sure lets go to the back yard and we can talk as we walk around the house i could barely hear an extra set of foot steps behind us. I focus my senses and definitely hear another person behind us. For now i act like nothings wrong. When we get into the back yard she asked if i was free Friday. I focus on Mina for now i don't feel any malice from who ever is following her. Yes I'm free would you like that make up date with the singing i promised? 

Mina pov) Yes i would love that but i want to bring another person with me if that's ok with you.

Izuku pov) That's up to you i ruined our first date and i want you to be happy and comfortable. 

Mina pov) i would like to bring Toru if that would be ok with you. 

Izuku pov) I'm fine with that she seems sweet but she's kinda shy around me since the test i had to take and i don't know how to approach her. 

Mina pov) what test are you talking about.

Izuku pov) I had to fight 5 students and she was one of them. After the test most of the girls looked at me a little differently but she has steered clear of me. to be honest i don't blame her.  

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