Sad songs and the dragon

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(Izuku POV) as i get to class is see Ochaco talking with Mina, Momo and Tsuyu talking girl things when i heard Ochaco say Kacchan asked her out. i felt a pain shoot through my heart. why him hasn't he hurt me enough. i heard the girls giggle and i took my seat and put my head down. 

(Ochaco POV) i was jaw dropped when Bakugo asked me out i was just going to say no but Mina and Tsuyu said i should give it a try. Momo said we  could go on one date and if it doesn't work i could just say no to another date. i told them i had my eye on someone else but i didn't know if they liked me. Mina said that doing this would get the other boy to ask me out if he sees that  someone else is interested in me. so i said ok

(Bakugo POV) Suck it Deku she said yes not that i care but i saw the look in your eyes and it told my i won. 

(Mina POV) I looked across the room and i see Izuku looking devastated. i think we just messed up big time. Izuku is such a nice guy. i think i need to talk to Tsuyu and Momo. i think Izuku might need to talk. i walk over to Kirishima and ask him what does Midoriya enjoy doing.

(Kirishima Pov) Mina walked up to me asking me what does Midoriya enjoy doing i tell her he loves anything All Might and he belts out the songs while in the shower after gym. he's been looking down i was going to talk to him to see if he's all right.

(Mina POV) thank you but i don't think you guy's can help this time let us handle this one you said he can sing i have an idea. i walk over to Momo and Tsuyu after class and tell them about Izuku. and how he's been looking so down and we should take him out to karaoke. they agree and i approach him and ask him.

 (Izuku POV) Mina asked me to go karaoke with a few friends i tried to say no but she talked me into it. i just want to leave. not just the school i want to leave everything behind leave the area start new somewhere else. but i agree and i text my mom to let her know i'll be late. i go with Mina i see Momo and Tsuyu. i ask where is everyone else and they told me it was just them. 

(Mina POV) i got Midoriya to agree and i had to threaten Mineta with melting his balls to leave us alone. we get into our booth and i pick my song first my radio my LL COOL J. Momo picked i set fire to the rain by Adel. Midoriya picked two songs Tsuyu picked a whatever it takes by Imagine Dragons. 

(Inko POV) Since Izuku called saying he would be late i took this chance to meet up with All Might at the school. he sounded concerned about something the found on Izuku. i headed over to the school and met up with them in the nurse's office. 

(All Might POV) Inko walk in and i asked her to sit down. i saw the look of concern on her face so i let her know that her son was all right but we found a strange marking on his bones. recovery girl showed her the X rays and she turned pale when she saw the marks. 

(Inko POV) i saw the X ray and i knew instantly what it was. i reach in my shirt and pulled out the pendant that Bahamut gave me. the marking were exactly the same.  i felt my blood run cold Bahamut is real his warning is true. i look at All Might and ask where's my baby. i need to see my baby. 

(All Might POV) i try to calm miss Midoriya down i told her i would personally find young Midoriya but first she needed to explain everything no matter how crazy it sounded.

 (Inko POV) when All Might told me this i told him everything to include he left. i thought the would get me institutionalized. but they didn't they believed me but i could see All Might thinking. then he looked at me and smiled and sad not to worry that UA would Handle it and my baby would be safe.

(All Might POV) Not just a dragon but a dragon god. this can't be good but now its all falling into place. i got online and started researching the pendant and the name Bahamut and my blood ran cold. if this is correct young Midoriya is alot stronger than what i thought. now i understand why start's muttering how he survived the explosion that threw in into the wall and how he was carrying the armor like it was nothing. i call Eraserhead, Midnight and Endeavor.  then my phone rang.

(Izuku POV) i listened to the girls sing and they did a good job but to be honest im just sad and not in the mood. when it was my turn i had two songs in my head all day so i decided to sing them first was sad song by we three kings the next was say something by a great big world. i got lost in my world when i sang i felt the pain of each and when i was done i looked at the girls which were openly crying at this point. great i made them cry too i need to leave. i tried to say sorry and just got tackled by the girls they held me and told me sorry. i apologized to them and left.

(Girls POV) we listened to Midoriya pour his heart out in his songs he was lost in them i don't even thing he remembered we were in the room with him we looked at each other after the first song and we had puffy eyes with slight tears in them after the second song we were done we were crying with him. we tackled him to try to squeeze the pain out of him but he apologized to us for bringing us down then left. 

(Izuku POV) i called All Might and told him to meet me at the woods at the outskirts of town and i ran for all i was worth trying to get there as fast as i could. as i got to the woods i saw All Might Eraserhead, Midnight and Endeavor. 

(All MIght POV) i saw young Midoriya running this way and he stopped right in front of us and said he needed to get deep into the woods and began to run again so we followed for about 30 minutes and i put my hands on his shoulder and asked him to let it all out. big mistake.

(Izuku POV) as i began to talk the pain became unbearable i felt rage nothing like i ever felt before and yell out why did he have to step on my pride. i lost my train of thought and they started to shrink. 

(All Might POV) i hear young Midoriya yell then he was surrounded by fire and he was a Dragon. he was about the size of an apartment complex and his wingspan was massive. i yell to Eraserhead stop him and i didn't expect his reply.

(Eraserhead POV) Its not a quirk its a mutation i can't stop him.

Author i hope you enjoyed more to come.

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