Finding Balance

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I hope you all enjoy this fun and cute update. There will be a big surprise for you all!!!

Listening to Bailey and others who I have admired through my career bash our decision for taking money the hospital owed us for putting us on that plane was heartbreaking. We never thought the hospital would be the one who would have to pay up and closing its doors in the process. That is not what we had envisioned for ourselves. This is not how we thought life would be. I don't even notice I'm standing up until someone calls out my name. "Yes, Dr..."

"Benoist." I answer for Cahill.

"Benoist if you don't have a solution I woul..."

"Respectfully Dr. Bailey, I sat here and listened peacefully while you and other colleagues talked now you will all do the same."

"Oh, I..."

"Let her speak." Owen interrupts allowing me to have the floor.

"I have loved this hospital since the moment I've walked through those doors during my intern year. My blood is figuratively and literally on the floors. Specifically on the first floor near the check-in desk where I was shot by the gunman who made this hospital a mass shooting site. I love this hospital even after the trauma my family and myself have suffered." I look around at everyone. "How dare any of you judge us. How dare any of you think losing a job is worst than what we went through. I would gladly trade as what Dr. Bailey put it a couple million to fall back on to worry about if I'm losing my job. Because the difference is you can find another job but I can't change the fact I was in a plane crash and was stranded in the woods for four days!" I look right at Dr. Bailey. "You of all people saw the state we were all in. You heard first hand what we experienced and yet you could be so cruel."

"Benoist I was..."

"You were thinking of yourself. And I understand that. Times are tough and...but I had a broken foot and was suffering from delayed cardio tamponade but I was still able to put in a chest tube into Dr. Lexie Grey. Which as you have all heard if I had not pushed past my own fear and pain, instead of Dr. Grey receiving the best rehabilitation therapy to get back to being a damn good surgeon. She would be dead. Dr. Yang suffered from a dislocated shoulder but was able to stabilize the pilot Jerry who is alive today because of her. I am alive today because Dr. Yang performed a pericardiocentesis on me. But the trauma we still have is very real and we will not be sorry for the settlement because the scars left on our family will never go away. My children still have nightmares of their parents not being home and no one knowing where they are. We will do everything we can to keep this hospital afloat because it's our home but...don't ever say we don't have a voice in this since we have a few million to fall back on." I scan the room again. "And just to be clear myself personally have more than a few million to fall back on but even if I didn't I would still be a damn good surgeon and a better person than most of you because I don't let money define the person I'm going to be."

Mer, Cristina, and I gather in an empty room seeing what Cahill has allowed to transpire at the hospital. "They've installed cameras." Meredith whispers to us.

"They're all over the C.C.U." Cristina informs us.

"Herman had a shit fit when they tried to put some in on the fetal medicine floor." I explain.

"Did they?" Meredith asks me.

"Only in the hallways. Herman said none will be in the room where a mom who is only seeing her because she has a high-risk pregnancy should have to worry about someone watching her on a video." I explain.

"Next they'll be in the O.R..'s the hallways..." Cristina states.

"The on-call rooms." I add and Cristina nods.

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