Intern Appy

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I hope you enjoy this new chapter.

"Alex wants me to talk about it." I mutter to Mer as we do some charting.

"Still?" I nod my head.

"He asked me again during our last surgery. He literally won't let it go."

"Why won't you tell him what happened?"

"I...have you told him what happened?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"I...barely like to think about it."

"I had to cancel our family vacation to New York." I tell her.

"The one to celebrate your grandparent's 60th anniversary?" Meredith asks me and I nod my head.

"Yep, that one. I...I don't want to be on a plane right now. Sedated or not. I's just too soon."

"Did your family understand?"

"My mom and most of my siblings did grandfather is pissed."

"He'll get over it. Won't he?"

"He will eventually." I state.

"Have you been going?"


"Neither have I."

"I already know what she's going to tell to me and I just can't."

"Derek says I should go to therapy but I..."

"It's too soon for me to hash it all out. I...I still have the kids sleep in our room because it helps me sleep better knowing they are close by."

"And Mark is okay with that?"

"He has nightmares too. He cries out my name in the middle of the night scared I did out there.'s been helping that Jackson has him still teaching him all of his techniques. It keeps his mind off it. I know we both need help. I know that but..."

"It's too soon." Meredith finishes for me and I nod my head. Her Ipad rings and she answers it. "Guess what." I move close to her so we can be in the video together. "We have a nickname. Chimera. We're Chimera Benoist and Grey." Meredith informs Cristina.

"I had to push my flight tonight." Cristina interrupts.

"Oh." I state to her. This wasn't that shocking. She's canceled on us many times and we can't blame her.

"It's not what you two are thinking. It's not like last time. Or the time before that." She mutters. "My surgery got pushed. That's it. I'm on standby for a later flight."

"It's okay if you're not ready to fly. I mean Mer and I aren't either. So we understand if you can't." I assure her that she doesn't need to push herself.

"I said I'd come." She states.

"I mean you don't need to come if it's not the right time." Meredith adds and Cristina shakes her head.

"I will be there my Chimera's." She teases us.

"So you did hear Mer." I joke with her.

"I like it. But it's a mythical creature with three heads. There's only two of you." She states to us.

"Yeah, we're apparently just scary enough to make up for the third head." I clarify for her.

"Love it. Funny I didn't think you would be the scary attending."

"I have little patience now. If they can't use their brain I want to rip their heads off." I explain to her.

"I'm proud of you. Proud of both of you. Okay, bye." She hangs up and it just makes us miss her more.

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