Truths Come Out

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I hope you all enjoy this.

Arizona's POV

Callie has finally given it a rest on trying to make me talk to her. She's finally just given me the space I asked for. Sitting and just watching T.V. and flipping through mindless magazines makes me think less about what's happened. Makes me think less about the leg. I hear a knock on the door and I ignore it. Callie is always getting things delivered to the apartment and she'll pick them up when she comes home. I hear the knock again. I place the magazine down and I look annoyed. "Just leave it at the door." I shout not needing to stress about this. Now the doorbell goes off. Seriously what is wrong with this delivery person?" I place the magazine down and wheel myself to the door to shout at them better. "I said lea..." The door opens. "Hey what the hell?!" I shout as Gen comes into the apartment. "What are you doing here?"

"I brought lunch." She shows me the take out bags in her hands.

"I did not let you in how..."

"You think I don't have a key?" She raises her brow at me and forces her way into the kitchen. "Now would you like your pasta in a bowl or plate?"

"You...why are you here?" I ask her again as he rummages through my kitchen for dishes.

"I'm here to have lunch with you." She states like it's no big deal.

"You've never liked me. You've never wanted to have lunch with me." I point out to her.

"Says you." Gen sasses to me.

"Don't you have surgeries or...aren't you working on a third specialty?" I ask her.

"Yeah, I start in a month." Gen transfers the pasta into our bowls. "I asked for extra garlic bread because who doesn't like that?"

"Gen!" I shout and she looks at me.

"What? You love pasta. What is wrong with you?" She yells back at me.

"You hate me."

"I do not hate you."

"Yes, you do. You're here because of Callie and..."

"I'll stop you right there." Gen points a garlic bread at me. "Callie is my person, yes but you are the wife of my person. She loves you and therefore I love and care about you."

"Get out!"


"Get out!" I shout.

"You know this yelling might work on Callie but now you're dealing with me. You can shout at me all day but here's the thing Arizona." Gen comes from around the corner staring right at me. "You yell at me and I'll just yell back louder. You say horrible things to me, I'll just say them right back."

"You're a bitch!"

"And so are you." Gen fires right back to me. "I know you're angry with Callie. You're angry with her for letting them cut off your leg."

"You know nothing!"

"I know you feel betrayed but having this hate towards those who love and care about you will get you nowhere!"

"I lost my leg Gen! You did not lose anything!"

"Bullshit!" Gen slams a plate to the ground shattering it. I jump in my chair but she stares at me calmly. "I have nightmares of me just falling from the plane. When I fall all I see are my children crying for me and Mark dead in the middle of the woods. I see my life flashing before my eyes and all I keep doing is falling."

"Nightmares are nothing..."

"Why because losing a limb is worth more trauma than anything the rest of us have gone through?" Gen snaps at me.

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