Unbelievable Choices

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This was a fun chapter to write and i hope you all enjoy reading it.

Gen's POV

"See, I told you we weren't going to be late." Mark assures me as we arrive at Bailey's celebration breakfast.

"You took way too long." I complain.

"That's not what you said." Mark whispers in my ear, and I swat him away.

"Disperse." I order him as I join Callie, Amelia, Lexie, and Maggie's conversation.

"That rush. And it feels like you know them, and they know you, and you think to yourself, I could stare at this person's face forever?" I hear Callie gushing about something. "Do you know what I mean? Maybe not."

"So I looked it up, and Bailey's the first." Arizona chimes in.

"First what?" Amelia asks her.

"Frist female Chief of Surgery of this hospital. Before that, all men."

"I say it's about time." Jackson states with food in his mouth.

"And all the department Chief's are women, neuro." Amelia points to her and Lexie. "Cardio."

"Trauma and Plastics over here." Jackson says.

"Not the time." Mark tells him.

"Fetal, ortho, and peds." Amelia points to Arizona, Callie, and me.

"Badass! Ladies. This place is run by ladies." Callie looks to all the men. "It's Ladyplace."

"No." Maggie yells. "It is not Ladyplace. Ladyplace is what my grandma calls her vagina."

"Oh!" Callie laughs.

"To anyone who will listen, by the way, she is not shy." Maggie explains.

"I really want to meet your grandma." I tell her, and she shakes her head.

"No, we can't call this place Ladyplace. I don't need to think of that sweet, raunchy, old lady's vag every time I walk through the doors." Maggie continues.

"Me neither, but I will now." Alex says in disgust, and we burst out laughing.

"Dude, why is your scrub top so small?" Jackson asks Mark.


"And yours is huge." Lexie points out, and now everyone is looking at us.

"Is that a hickey?" Callie asks, and she tries to inspect my neck. I swat her away.


"It was dark!" Mark yells.

"And you couldn't tell top was extremely small on you?" Alex teases him.

"All of you shut up." Mark yells. He tries to pull down his top, but it's looking more of a crop top than anything, which is not bad because he has nice abs. He uses his white coat to cover himself more, but it only draws more attention.

"She's coming. Oh, hurry, hurry." Richard yells, and we all get into place. We stand in front of Bailey's cake and wait to greet her. Meredith and Bailey walk through the door with smiles on their faces.

"Well, I'm glad to see you're all here. But if you had read your email, you would have known that one of the many things that I will be implementing as Chief is no more weekly attending's meetings." Bailey tells us.

"Uh, well actually, this is a st..."

"See less talking about saving lives and more saving of the lives." Bailey cuts Richard off. She leaves the room without seeing her surprise.

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