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Lexie's POV

"Hey, I'm here

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"Hey, I'm here." I greet Gen, who to take my shift being with Meredith for the night.

"Hey." She gets up and hugs me.

"How is she?"

"Still the same. The surgery is scheduled for tomorrow. I need some sleep so I can be at my best."

"Should you be performing it?" I ask her.

"Callie offered, but I want to be there for her. I... we're all her family. I have a clear head. It's not life or death, or Callie would definitely be taking over. I just need to set some bones and...get her on the road to healing." I grab Gen's hand.

"Well, you go hug those babies of yours, and I will watch over Mer." I assure her.

"Alex says he has tomorrow after surgery, so you can meet Henry to look for a house or apartment."

"That's not happening."

"What? Why?" She asks me.

"It's just not the time. He's still coming, but we're pushing back the house-hunting until..." I look over at Meredith's sleeping form. "I just need to have my focus on my sister, and everything else can happen later."

"She's going to be fine, Lexie."

"Okay, I have a cards the kids made to decorate her room, and I brought that blanket she loves to sleep with on the couch and...food." I show Gen.

"Then you are set. Mark and Alex are a phone call away if you need anything. Mark will bring you food, drink, games, book, or anything you need." I hug Gen again.

"You get rested for surgery, and I will be with her."

"Love you, Lex." Gen heads off, and I place my overnight bag down on the ground. I unpack my things and move a chair over to sit next to Meredith. "Hey, Mer. I know you can't hear, but..." I pull out Zola's card. "The kids got ahold of the glitter, stickers, and all of the fun things to make you some cards. I thought I was more crafty, but I suck at it but here." I place the cards around her besides so that she can see them when she wakes. "We love you." I grab my computer and catch up on charting needing something to pass the time. I look up when I hear a commotion outside Meredith's room. I spot Richard trying to talk down Amelia. I see red with her standing there. I march outside. "What the hell are you doing here?" I demand.


"No." I stop Richard.

"What, you're going to yell at me too?" Amelia has an attitude with me.

"Answer me this. When Warren came to you for a neuro consult, what did you do?"

"Grey." Richard warns me. "She...she has..."

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