Respect Over Awards

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Here is the final part of the What/If episode.

3rd Person POV What/If part 3

Gen was unable to make it to Torres' surgery after having to help save Dr. Grey's patient. Now she's waiting in Dr. Grey's office to speak about what she saw. "Dr. Benoist that was unprofessional." Dr. Grey scolds her.

"I agree."

"And what will you do to fix it? I don't know if..." Gen holds up her hand silencing Dr. Grey.

"I have observed how this hospital is run, Dr. Grey. Just like you hired me to come in for. And I can say it's unprofessional."

"Excuse me..."

"You pride yourself in being a Harper Avery award winner should worry less about trophies and more on being a leader. One that people can look up to."

"You don't have the right to speak to me that way. I am Dr. Ellis Grey! I am an icon and a legend."

"But you're not a mentor."

"You had no right to tell me to get out of my own O.R. in my hospital!"

"And you had the right to look at a patient's chart." Gen fires back and Ellis is silent. She knows she's caught. "You are Ellis Grey but you're not above being a decent doctor who looks at her patient's chart to be updated. You don't need Dr. Bailey or anyone to tell you what you should have already known yourself."

"She was...she made me look like a fool." Ellis is trying to keep it together.

"No ma'am. The only one who did that was you." Gen snaps and stands up. "The Benoist family will no longer be doing business with you. Have a good day."

"Wait!" Ellis calls out stopping Gen. " can't just...we need..."

"I know. You need my family's charity to keep this hospital afloat. I understand the desperation Dr. Grey but...I cannot in good conscience sign my family name to Seattle Grace."

" there something I can do. We can make this work. I know we can." Ellis is desperate now.

"You can stop making your staff fear you. A good leader doesn't command with fear. They command with admiration."

"My staff respects me and..."

"If they respected you Dr. Grey then your daughter wouldn't have to push her way into a surgery by using your name. Her skills as a fifth-year surgical resident should be enough."

"Wait...Dr. Benoist please we..."

"It's too late Dr. Grey. It was a pleasure seeing your hospital and meeting your staff but this will not work out. Now please keep the last of your dignity that you can." Gen shrugs Dr. Grey's hand off her shoulder and walks out with her head held high.

Gen enters an elevator with Dr. Bailey holding up a box full of her things from her office. "She fired you." Gen comments to Bailey who is shocked she is speaking to her.

"Uh...yes I was fired." Bailey whispers.

"Keep your head up high Dr. Bailey."

"Easy for you to say. You didn't get fired." Bailey snaps at Gen. Gen laughs.

"You were set free."

"What?" Gen turns to look at Bailey with a smile on her face.

"I don't know you that well Dr. Bailey but what I do know is you're a brilliant surgeon. Who just needs to find her voice. Take this as a learning curve and realize you're badass and the world should see you as such."

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