You Are Derek's Sister

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I hope you all enjoy this update.

Gen's POV

"How did your surgery go?" I ask Meredith and Amelia.

"Both of his transplants were successful." Meredith answers.

"Amazing. Really amazing."

"Dr. Riggs, here are Dr. Grey, Shepherd, Benoist, and Hunt. Guys, this is our new cardio surgeon Dr. Nathan Riggs. Hunt." Bailey calls Owen's name again.

"Nice to meet you." Riggs shakes our hands.

"Hunt!" Bailey calls out again. Owen stops, and he faces Riggs.

"Uh...yeah we uh...Dr. Hunt and I go back a bit." Riggs speaks.

"Oh! Oh, I didn't realize." Bailey says.

"No, no, you didn't." Owen scoffs at her comment. "Maybe you should've asked around before you decided to bring a complete stranger into the hospital."

"All right, Owen, why don't you and I just..."

"Did you think this was how it was done?" Owen snaps at the Chief. "Didn't you think for one second that, as Chief of this hospital, it is your responsibility to vet your people? Cause this." He points his finger at Riggs. "This is a bad call, Bailey. This is a really bad call. And it was thoughtless, and it was reckless..."

"Hunt." Bailey interrupts him. "Why don't we go to my office and talk about this?" Owen looks around at all of us.

"What's done is done, right?" Owen says to Riggs. Meredith and I share a look as Amelia goes after Owen. We waste no time following them.

"Some torrid affair?" I ask Meredith as we watch Amelia try to get anything out of Owen.

"Has to be. I mean...that was a lot." Meredith says. Finally, Amelia comes back inside.

"What did he say?" We ask her at the same time.

"Nothing. Whatever this is..." We head outside. "He's not talking." Amelia calls out to us, but we don't care. We approach Owen, who is leaning against an ambulance for support. He lets out a sigh seeing us.


"We made a promise to Cristina that we wouldn't let you get all dark and twisty." I tell him.

"That we'd be your persons if you needed one." Meredith adds. I stand on one side of Owen while Meredith is on the other.

"I don't want to talk." Owen replies.

"And we're good with that. We've done our best work not talking." I tell him.

"You don't have to." Meredith says. "But just tell we hate him?" Owen looks at both of us.

"We hate him." He whispers.

"So it's settled. We hate him." I repeat for him. Owen smiles faintly. We lean on him, and we feel him relax and finally take a deep breath.

"You have everything you need?" I ask Alex.


"Really? Because you have one shot."

"I know that, Gen!"

"Well, sorry, but you're not one to do great romantic planning." I remind him

"This I can do. I know I can do this."

"You should definitely have roses and candles."

"What? That is so..."

"It is so romantic. Plus, it sets the mood." I tell him.

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