New York State of Mind

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Here is just  a fun chapter of Mark and Gen when they went to New York.

5 weeks ago

"Should we still be doing this?" I ask Mark freaking out as I pack for the longest vacation that I've taken since undergrad. "I feel like we have so many patients and...Callie will be a mess without me..."

"Gen." Mark cuts me off. "We're going to New York. We need to see your family before the wedding and...we need to get away." Mark explains.

"I just feel like three weeks is too long and my mom could get into a fight. And we know she can be a real bitch so..."

"Hey." Mark makes me look at him. "Whatever happens this is what having a family means. And I will gladly go through it all."

"I just...I..."

"Hey I understand it's not the best time since you're in residency and so much is going on but we need this Gen. We need to take this time for ourselves and..."

"I know it's a good thing to take this trip but..."

"Gen you didn't eat for days after the college shooting." Mark states and I stand there still. I stop moving. "The trauma is still fresh and on all of our minds. It is understandable."

"I don't want to be in fear of going to work Mark." I whisper to him. Mark brings me into a giant hug.

"Fear is natural. It's what keeps us wanting to live." Mark says to me and I nod my head as I cling to his shirt. "Taking this trip will be good for us. We need to think of things other than the shooting and the stress from work."

"I still don't understand why you are so eager to spend weeks with my family." I state to Mark.

"There is nothing they can do to me that they haven't done already." Mark jokes and I laugh nervously.

"You have no idea."

"Sloan my man!" Ted greets Mark bringing him into a giant bro hug. I can see the discomfort on Mark's face. "How are the boobs and asses?"

"Uh, Ted you do know I do more than boobs and asses." Mark corrects him.

"But those are the only things that matters." Ted smacks Mark on the back.

"How's the pools house, Ted?" Mark hits him right back where it hurts.


"Who the hell said anything?" Colette asks pissed.

"Oh, that would be me." Charlotte raises her hand.

"You damn well know he was not sleeping in the pool house." Colette raises her voice at Charlotte.

"Then, why are you getting all worked up Coco?" Charlotte loves teases.

"Don't call me that!"

"I've been thinking of throwing a Vegas night at my house and I was wondering if you and Ted would like to come we need to keep him away from Black Jack or just gambling in general." Maddie and I burst out laughing at Charlotte egging Colette on.

"Colette and Charlotte no fighting. Tonight is about celebrating Genevieve and Mark." Mom comes in between my sisters trying to keep them from tearing at each other's throats.

"I need a drink." Colette mutters stomping away making Ted follow with her.

"You look beautiful Eleanor." Mark places a kiss on my mom's cheek.

"Thank you Mark for making my daughter so happy." My mom brings him into a hug. Their relationship is not perfect but at least for now, we can be civil with each other.

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