Do You Know?

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Here is the first of many chapters this week.

Mark's POV

"Shepherd!" I roar at Derek.

"Uh..." I storm right in front of him as grab him by his coat.

"How dare you try and cheat my person out of what's hers!"

"Mark, let go of me."

"Oh, because we have an audience?" I question.

"Yeah." Derek confirms and drags me away from the crowd gathering around us. "Callie told you."

"Of course, she told me. And I, for one, cannot believe what an asshole you are being."

"I'm an asshole?"

"You get pimped out by the damn President, and it's to hell with friends?"

"That is not how it is, and you know it." Derek argues.

"So you didn't take the job knowing they would want you to discontinue your research with Callie and, on top of that, take her rights away from the sensors she co-developed with you on the research you were doing together?"

"Uh, that..."

"And that is you being an asshole, Derek! We don't do that to our people."

"I did nothing wrong."

"Tell yourself that, Derek, but we both know what you did was wrong."

"No, it wasn't Mark. And I will not apologize to you or anyone else for taking this jump in my career!"

"Even if it means you have to step on the backs of your friends to do it?"

"I did not step on Callie's back."

"Give Callie equal access to the sensors, Derek, or I'll break them myself!" I threaten Derek.

"Do you know how insane you sound right now? Breaking my sensors does nothing for Callie or me!"

"Well, you hurt my person, and I hurt you right back."

"That's your answer? Hurt me back? Mark, this is childish."

"The only one being a child is you, Derek. Can you ever admit your faults, or has your hair product gone to your damn brain?!"

"You've gone too far." Derek points his finger at me.

"Not far enough. Make things right with Callie or kiss the damn sensors goodbye, Derek." I order.

"Who's being the ass now?"

"Still you." I fire back as I open the door

"Pretty sure it's you. You put my favorite frog in the microwave." He yells at me.

"I never pressed start!" I yell back.

3rd Person POV

"I think she really means it." Alex finishes explaining to Gen and Meredith that Jo never wants to get married.

"And that bugs you?" Meredith asks him

"No." Alex answers at the same time Gen says yes. "What do you know?" Alex questions his person.

"I know that despite how you present yourself that in fact, you, Alex want a traditional life. You want the white picket fence. Wife and kids." Gen explains.

"I mean..." The two women raise their brows at him. "I mean maybe. I don't know. It's not like I want to get married tomorrow. But never?"

"Not everyone has to be married to be happy." Gen argues.

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