Remembering Old Times

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Enjoy this update. I loved writing it.

"So I lay the flower down like this?" Theo asks Mark and me.

"Just like that." We answer him as he places his flower on George's grave.

"My turn!" Davina yells and we help her place her flower down.

"Why do we do this?" Theo asks.

"You remember how we've told you how everyone's born." I ask Theo and he nods his head.

"It's why we have birthdays." Theo says.

"Correct and after we've lived a long life we...eventually die." I explain to him.


"It means we are no longer alive. We..."

"Like what happened to my fish?"

"Yes. Like what happened to your fish." Mark confers for Theo.

"So...Uncle George he..."

"Uncle George was a surgeon like dada and I are. He died by saving a life." I explain to Theo. "He died being a hero."

"Oh...he was a superhero?"

"Yes, he was." I hold my son close to me.

"Guys." Mark bends down too with Davina leaning on him. "We come to the cemetery to visit those we've lost. We place flowers on their graves so they know they are thought of. We also do it so we can remember them." Mark explains to the kids.

"Now Uncle George was the first official friend mama met when she started her first day of work."

"He was?"

"You remind  me a lot of him actually." I smile at Theo.

"I remind you of a superhero?"

"You're kind just like him. You love everyone. You have the biggest heart always willing to help others."

"I love that!" Theo exclaims and I share a smile with Mark.

" might feel weird but you can talk to Uncle George and just let him know who you are and how you're feeling."

"Really?" Theo asks me confused.

"Yes. I'll show you." I look at George's headstone that his mom picked out. It has a photo from when he was a baby and during his intern year. "Hi George, I know it's been a long time but...I always remember how kind you were to me during my first day. I finally married Mark as you always predicted." Mark chuckles at the comment.

"He really thought that?" He asks me.

"Of course he did. George knew true love before others did. He was a real romantic." I explain to Mark. "Mark and I got married and...we had a wonderful speech that included how much we missed you. We have two wonderful children together. They're here right now. Theo is almost three and he's so smart. He reminds me a lot of you."

"Mama says you're a superhero." Theo joins in now. "I love superheroes."

"I finally chose my specialties. I know plural. I couldn't choose just one. I'm already certified in ortho and peds and now I'm working towards my fetal medicine. All of us miss you. Even Alex who would never admit it. We all miss you, George." 

"I want to thank you, George."

"Thank him?" I look to Mark confused.

"Because of him, you were able to find a great group of support for you when you needed it most. I damaged you so badly and...they gave you the love you deserved. What you needed. I thank him for that. For being your family." Mark lays down his flower on George's grave.

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