Purchase or Fold

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Sorry for the long wait but here's an update that you've been waiting for.

"His bowels have twisted around the blood supply, causing an obstruction." I inform the parents of their newborn baby.

"We need to do an emergency surgery to correct that immediately." Alex adds and still, the parents say and do nothing. It's like we're talking to robots.

"So we're going to...do that." I repeat and still nothing. I nudge Alex.

"Mr. Finch, uh, can I uh...speak with you outside for a sec?" Alex asks.

"He can say all he wants to him. Finch is useless." Ms. Langer rambles on to me and Joe about the man who is apparently not a boyfriend or friend he's just a co-worker who she hooked up with once. "And his condom breaks because he's too cheap and stupid to buy decent ones. I'm almost 40, I want a baby, so I told him, you're off the hook. But I'm keeping it. And he says that he wants to do the right thing. He's a complete asshat, but he makes a good living. And right now all I care about is my baby. Is my baby gonna be okay?" She asks me and I finally see the emotions on her face.

"Dr. Karev and I are going to do everything we can." I assure her.

"Your baby is in good hands. Dr. Benoist here is the hospital's triple board-certified surgeon. She and Dr. Karev are amazing." Wilson adds making Ms. Langer nod her head.

"And you're good?" She questions me.

"One of the best." I assure her.

"Why are we going out here?" I question Mark as he forces us to stand in the rain.

"Derek asked us to meet him out here."

"In the cold rain? But his hair will get messed up." I tease. A hospital van's lights flash at us. "Does he expect us to just go into a weird van like it's not creepy?" I question.

"Live on the wild side baby." Mark kisses my cheek and leads us to the sketchy van.

"Where the hell is D..."

"You must be Dr. Benoist and  it's good to see you again Dr. Sloan." A man from the back greets us and I shriek.


"Hey, Stan." Mark greets the man in the back and I'm still trying to calm myself down.

"I could have killed you." I state to Stan.

"No, she wouldn't have." Mark argues and I shake my head at them both.

"What is this?" I ask.

"Derek has found a way for us to buy the hospital." Mark explains.

"Really?" I ask turning to look at Stan but my belly is getting in the way just a bit.

"I'm Dr. Shepherd's financial advisor." Stan introduces himself. "And under Federal Law physicians cannot own and run the hospital for which they work. However, you could ally yourselves with a for-profit or not-for-profit agency, which would be owner pro forma. Then the seven of you could form your own management company, which would be hired by this foundation."

"And how would this all work?" I question.

"Basically you would run the day-to-day operations, much like a board of directors."

"But we don't have enough money." Mark chimes in.

"I'm working on that. Estimating the number of beds, the uh overall operating budget, the property and business taxes, the franchise tax board payments..."

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