Always Changing

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I hope you all enjoy this little fun chapter.

Lexie's POV

"Hi, Zola." I wave at my cute niece who has grown up so much since I've been gone. "Aw Mer, she is getting so big. I..."

"She misses you." Zola still waves at me and it makes me feel all warm inside.

"I miss her too. I miss all of you."

"How is it there? I mean you're all alone and..."

"Not true. This place has support groups and it's been good. I've made friends and..."

"Lexie you can tell me. I am your sister." I begin to cry and it's hard since I'm already using my one hand to hold the phone. I can't wipe away my tears. "Lexie..."

"It's okay. I'm just crying. My therapist says it's healthy for me to...I thought I thought I would be underneath that plane forever. That no one could get me out and...that I would be left behind."

"But you weren't left behind." Meredith reminds me.

"I know that. And I am forever grateful for that. I miss my friends and family. I miss feeling normal." I admit to her.

"If you want to come home we have a place for you. You can come here and...finish your therapy here in Seattle. You can be back to surgery within the year..."

"As much as I miss you guys I've also started to make a life for myself here. One where no one knows what I used to be like. They have no previous expectations of what I should be and it's freeing."

"Oh uh..."

"Mama." Zola reaches for Meredith's face in the cutest way.

"We just all love and miss you, Lexie. And we want you to get better."

"I know that. I love the cards you send me from the kids and the ones you all make for me. makes being here easier."

"So...are we going to keep dancing around it or are you going to tell me about this mysterious guy you've been seeing." Meredith teases me and I shake my head at her.

"He's just some guy I met when I was exploring the city and he's..."

"He's something special if he's making you blush like this. Come on give me a name."

"No. It''s just it's so new and I don't want to scare him away."

"Why would you scare him away? You're amazing." Meredith assures me and I shake my head.

"It's just...he doesn't know everything that's happened to me. He...he doesn't know what happened to lose my arm."

"Wait...does he know you only have one arm or..."

"Yes he knows it's...we bumped into each other at the park and I tripped. He tried to help me but grabbed the fake arm and I still fell flat on my face. He was mortified. And..."

"He basically ripped your fake arm off..." Meredith is laughing her ass off and it makes me laugh too.

"I was on my ass mortified and he is holding up my fake arm freaking out. People are looking at us and it was hard not for us to say something to each other. And...he insisted on buying me lunch, groceries, and anything I needed because of what happened."

"Lunch, groceries, and anything else you wanted. He sounds amazing." Meredith winks at me.

"He's...he's something I've never thought I would find. He's...he's undeniably gorgeous."

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