Enjoy the Silence

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This was a hard chapter to write and it will trigger a lot like it did me when I watched the episode.

3rd Person POV

"This is killing me." Maggie complains as they are stuck in traffic. "We have not moved in 10 minutes." Maggie brings her head back inside the car. "I swear that bumblebee has passed this car twice already. It passed us, it circled the Earth, and then came back around to pass us again."

"Yeah, because we left late because you overslept." Alex reminds her. Meredith laughs.

"Haha, not fun driving when someone makes you late." Meredith teases Alex.

"If you want to stay up all night screwing around with some dude, I don't care till you spend all morning complaining about it in my car."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Maggie lies.

"We share a wall."

"I second that." Lexie says. "You are very loud."

"Okay, no one comment on anything..."

"You could be quieter." Meredith tells Maggie.

"You need to put in some soundproof walls." Alex tells Maggie.

"So move out! Nobody told you that you could crash in Amelia's room anyway!" Maggie yells.

"It's not Amelia's room anymore." Meredith corrects her.

"What is that? Two fire trucks?" Maggie asks

"And three ambulances." Lexie says.

"That's got to be like a four or five-car pileup." Maggie says.

"50 bucks says a big rig's involved." Meredith bets her sisters and Alex. She smirks and unbuckles.

"Hey! Hey, that's not a good idea." Alex tells them.

"Let's go, Karev." Meredith ignores him, and they take off towards the accident.

"Keps, I could use another set of hands here." Riggs orders as ambulances come into the E.R.

"On it." April goes running back inside as people are screaming in pain from the accident.

"We've been paging you for half an hour." Owen tells Maggie.

"I've been a little busy." Maggie responds as they get her patient inside. Ben heads over and finds Meredith inside the ambulance already.

"We got a 45-year-old male with a head lac, positive loc on the scene. Also has an abdominal contusion." Meredith lists off.

"I'd like to say it's not as bad as it looks, but..."

"Major pileup, multiple wounds." Maggie interrupts Meredith's patient. "A big rig flipped. Bigger mess."

"Do you think he has an intra-abdominal injury?" Blake asks.

"Well, there's one way to find out."

"All right, let's get him inside."

"Grey, I need you for a patient." Edwards comes out, grabbing Lexie.

"Hey, when you're done, I need you." Meredith calls out to her sister."

"I will check with you as soon as I can." Lexie assures her and follows Edwards to the patient.

Meredith gets her patient into a trauma room to rule out other possible injuries and treat the ones they find. "A boney deformity is the temporal region." She lists off. "A 5-centimeter head lac."

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