Let's Play Ball

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I hope you all enjoy this cute chapter.

Cristina, Meredith, and I lay in the grace staring up at the clouds above us needing to relax. "That one looks like an islet cell." Meredith points to a cloud.

"Which one?" Cristina asks looking for the specific cloud.

"That one. It's all puffy and insulin-producing." Meredith elaborates and I squint my eyes trying to see what she sees but nothing.

"Yeah, it looks like a damn cloud." I comment.

"It looks like an islet cell or maybe a buffalo." Meredith mutters.

"I have no imagination Mer and Gen. Teddy sucked it out of me." Cristina exclaims to us.

"Oh, let's not go there. We're just gonna believe that everything's gonna be okay. We're keeping the faith." Meredith reminds Cristina.

"We have to think of the best that can happen and not the worst." They look at me like I'm insane. "My therapist is telling me to keep my stress levels down and..."

"You're a fifth-year surgical resident who is pursuing triple board certification. How can you keep your stress level down?" Meredith asks me.

"I watch a lot of cartoons that numb me so I don't get stressed out and...I force Mark to rub my feet every night even I come home and he's asleep." I explain.

"Teddy did say that she had something great for me today." Cristina states to us with a small smile on her face. "What are you two on?"

"Cabbage Patch." Meredith answers.

"O.B. still? You gotta get out of those pink scrubs." Cristina scolds Meredith.

"Why? Bailey blackballed me from every surgery. Besides, it's quiet. I get to work on the trial stuff." Meredith defends.

"Didn't Bailey ban you from going near the trial?" I ask Meredith.

"I know, but I just can't help it because I feel like I'm this close to..." A ball suddenly hits right between Cristina and Meredith's heads.

"Hey!" I scream as I try to sit up.

"That could have hit us." Meredith complains as Alex picks up the ball.

"Careful." Cristina scolds.

"Nice hustle." Alex mocks us.

"Seriously one of you bitches need to help me up!" I yell as I feel like a turtle on its back unable to get up.

"Why are you even out here? You're pregnant..." I glare at Cristina as she and Meredith help me sit up.

"Don't finish that oh I'm pregnant crap! I am still badass I just can't get up on my own without rolling over!" I scream.

"How are the hormones?" Cristina mocks me and I flip her off which just makes her smile.

"I hate you so much."

"Nah you love me." She winks at me and I shake my head. "You know, I think this is just more avoiding thinking about Zola." Cristina says to Meredith.

"Did you hear something?" Alex asks Mer.

"No. I...we've bugged Janet till she's sick of us. And she doesn't really know anything. So we just have to wait for the court to give us a hearing date. And we're just..."

"Keeping the faith." Cristina and I say in unison.

"Keeping the faith." Meredith repeats after us.

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