Shattered Hearts

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Sorry for the long wait. I hope you all enjoy this long awaited update.

Gen's POV

"I was paged 911..." I stop as I see parents yelling at Robbins who is surrounded by Alex, Wilson, Edwards, and a doctor I'm not familiar with.

"So you're saying you don't have any batteries?" A father is yelling at Arizona.

"Manual ventilation is just as effective..."

"My monitor just went black." A mother announces getting everyone worked up even more.

"I'm on it." Edwards rushes over to ventilate.

"My baby can't die. Is my baby gonna die?"

"Mine's out too." Another parent cries out.

"I'm on it." The doctor I'm not familiar with goes to help.

"See? We're handling it. Everything is under control." Arizona assures the father.

"Under control? Do the math. You have doctors on four different babies right now. You're the only one left. You're telling me you can ventilate a dozen babies all by yourself?" He questions her. Everyone is shouting and getting upset and nothing is calming them down.

"Hey!" They keep shouting. "EVERYONE SHUT UP!" I shout causing everyone to look at me. "No there are not enough doctors but there are enough people."

"She's right. We can teach you." Arizona chimes in.

"You want us to bag our own babies?" A mom is freaking out.

"I know it's scary but let me show you." I walk over to her. "It's very easy. You take the bag in your dominant hand, give it a good hard squeeze every second. Two one thousand." I count off and ease the mon into bagging her own baby. "We know this is terrifying for all of you. But we appreciate you all staying as calm as possible and just breathe with us. We're in this with you. We're here to help you." I remind all of the parents. "Good see you have it." I leave the mom and move over to Derek. "How is he?" I ask.

"His STATS are still low but...he seems to be doing okay." Derek answers me.

"I know trusting me to deliver your baby was hard. I know it was a difficult circumstance but..."

"Thank you Gen." Derek looks up at me. "Thank you for everything you've done for my family."

"Family is always there for each other Derek." I rest a hand on his shoulder.

"Dr. Benoist."

"Yes, Tyler." I greet my favorite nurse.

"It's Dr. Sloan there was an accident." My eyes widen as Derek gives me a sympathetic look.


"Go check on Mark and I'll be here with the baby." Derek assures me and I waddle off with Tyler.

"Tell me what happened." I demand.

"A bus was driving and it flipped over. Staff was trying to evacuate everyone they could from the crash before it exploded and..."

"Where is my husband?" I demand.

"In the pit being taken care of. He's...he's burned pretty bad Dr. Benoist. He saved a lot of lives." Tyler informs me just as we make it to Mark's bed.

"Mark!" I call out seeing his burned arm and face.

"Hey babe, it's just...a little burn." Mark tries to make it seem less than what it is.

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