If Only Things Were Easier

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I'm disappointed with season 18. I hope it gets better. What are your thoughts?

Gen's POV

"Here is your vanilla latte." I set down the drink in front of my best friend. Callie looks at me, and I'm filled with so many emotions. "Thank you for agreeing to meet me for coffee."

"I've missed our coffee dates." Callie smiles, and I feel joy seeing it.

" Callie smiles, and I feel joy seeing it

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"I'm sorry." We both say at the same time.

"I was wrong for...throwing the knife at Penny at the dinner. That was over the line for me, and I shouldn't have done that." I apologize.

"Thank you. And I am sorry that...even after I knew the role Penny had, I wasn't there for you and Mark more. I was...I wasn't a good friend or person to you two, and I should have done more." I take Callie's hand and squeeze it.

"I appreciate that." I let out a big sigh. "I know Penny isn't fully to blame for what happened to Derek and Mark. I know she... we've been in those positions where the attendings don't listen to the residents and how she didn't have any power. I understand that. I recognize that. I can't forgive everything that happened, but...I am willing to not hate her 75% of the time." Callie laughs.


"It's baby steps, Callie. I was at 100%, so I feel like this is progress." She smiles at me.

"That year you and Grey were gone...I called you and...no response. I wanted to give you space, but the other part of me wanted to hunt you down to make sure you were okay. I didn't know what to do."

"That year was a...neither one of us worked. All we did was focus on our kids and Mark." Callie nods her head. "It felt like we were living on constant repeat. Nothing was okay, and...I worry that I damaged my kids."

"You did what you needed to survive." Callie assures me. I look at her with tears in my eyes.

"I wanted to call and tell you where we were, but... every day, it felt like I was having to keep it together for not only myself but Mer, Mark, all of the kids. I couldn't let anything slip."

"That was way too much pressure that you put on yourself."

"I know..." Callie hands me a tissue, and I dry my eyes. "I felt like if I could make everything okay for everyone else, then I could erase the trauma we all experienced, but it only made me bitter." Callie gets out of her chair and pulls me in for a hug. "I had no one to be there for me like I was for them. I...my husband is alive. Meredith's isn't, and she was pregnant with a child who Derek would never meet and...My family wasn't broken and..."

"But Gen, your family was suffering too." Callie reminds me.

"Not..." I shake my head. "I'm not a widow or...my kids didn't lose their father and..."

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