Sister or Stalker?

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Thank you for the support. I love writing this story and can't wait to share more with you.

Gen's POV

"The patient is your father." I hear the words repeat over and over in my head.

"What happened to him?" I ask Derek.

"With the wind storm, he lost his balance and fell off his balcony." Derek explains to me.

"Balcony? At his hotel?" Derek says nothing. He shares a look with Warren.

"I'm going to check on the patient." Warren leaves us.

"Your dad fell from his balcony at his home in Seattle." Derek says.

"But he lives in L.A." I say to him, still not understand why Gerard is here.

"I can't say much more, but...he is recovering from surgery."

"Why is..."

"Dr. Shepherd!" Warren comes running out. "The patient's awake." Derek and I rush into the room, seeing Gerard slowly opening his eyes.

"Dad." I call out to him, and he turns his head as far as he can to look at me.


"Dad." I sit next to his bed. " live in Seattle?" He stiffens, and I see him looking at Derek.

"Gerard." Derek says my dad's name.

"Why do I feel like there is something you're not telling me?" I ask both men.


"Why are you living in Seattle, dad? We had a meeting weeks ago, and you said you flew in from L.A." I remind him.

"Gennie, it''s not that simple."

"I need to know why there are lies. I mean, why lie about where you're living?" I ask him again.

"You should be honest, Gerard." Derek says.

"Honest about what?" I demand from them now, getting upset that they know something I don't and are thinking of if they should tell me or not while talking in front of me.

"Gennie, I fell off the balcony because I got lost in my house."

"You got lost?" He shares another look with Derek.

"You need to tell her." Derek urges him. He takes a deep breath.

"I got lost because I'm dying of Huntington's Disease." I feel like the wind is knocked out of me.

"You are..."

"Huntington's Disease. And before you say anything, I know my chances. I..." He stops talking for a bit. He starts to have a hard time forming a sentence and starts shaking.

"Dad!" I scream.

"Warren!" Derek orders. I try and hold onto my dad, but Derek pushes me out of the way as he treats him. The shaking stops, and Derek faces me. "I have been treating your dad for months for Huntington's. He was misdiagnosed with Parkinson's a decade ago. He didn't want to tell anyone because he wanted more time to find a cure." He explains to me.

"There is no cure for the disease." I argue.

"He's been funding research for a cure. It's why he offered to buy the hospital up on his own. He needed more resources to build his research. He's...he's doing this for you. And your sisters."

"Me..." My heart stops.

"Have you been genetically tested before?" Derek asks me. I shake my head. "You should. It's a..."

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