One Hour

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When Gen chooses her specialty you all will like it.

Meredith decided to run the E.R. for the night and she's insane for doing so. I needed to book more trauma time for my boards and she needed help so here I am treating people coming in for minor to extreme injuries. "Are you gonna help us at all?" Meredith asks Cristina who is just lounging in the chair snacking on chips. "Or are you just gonna sit there and eat potato chips?"

"I performed back-to-back fem-pop bypasses today. This is the first chair I've seen since 7:00 A.M. and this is the first food I've had since yesterday." Cristina explains to us. "I choose potato chips." The telephone is ringing behind Cristina and she ignores it. "One of you might want to get that." She casually orders us. I pick up the phone shaking my head at her.

"Seattle Grace Mercy West Emergency." I answer with a smile.

"You two brought this on yourselves. You know? Mer you volunteered to help run the E.R.?" Cristina lectures us.

"Got it." I hang up the phone. "We've got a suspected appy on a 10-year-old." I inform everyone. Let's page Robbins." I order an intern and they go off running.

"I saw a need and I filled it. Like any good Chief Resident candidate." Meredith justifies.

"So what's your reason Gen?" Cristina asks me.

"I was getting bored at home." I blurt out. "I love my son. He is amazing. Everything I wished for and more but...he is such a good baby that he literally sleeps when I place him in his bed and won't wake until I wake him up myself. He eats anything I feed him and loves it. He is a wonderful baby but...he's so boring sometimes and this..." I motion to the craziness of the E.R. "I need something to remind me why I want to be a surgeon. Removing a bullet wound or a perforated bowel than I will volunteer to run the E.R. if I get that satisfaction." I explain.

"Or...sadomasochistic Chief Resident candidate maybe and that's just sad." Cristina comments to Meredith and me. "What is up with you?" Cristina asks Meredith. "You're all perky and cheerful."

"She is so right and you changed your hair. This is a different Meredith." I add looking at Mer seeing if anything changed.

"Ah, you know, it's the...uh, fertility drugs. We have stepped it up. I'm pumped full of hormones. You had them Gen didn't they make you all happy?" Meredith looks at me.

"Yeah if you asked Mark I just got really bitchy and heavily emotional. Happiness was not one of them. Anger was a recurring emotion." I explain.

"You know what's perky?" Meredith asks us.

"Quoi?" Cristina answers.

"My boobs. They're huge."

"My boobs never got huge. Maybe that's why my IVF failed two times." I joke with them. "I'm married to a plastic surgeon he should be able to make that happen."

"Would you let Mark do your boobs?" Cristina asks me.

"Well he likes my boobs how they are and so do I, but if I wanted to enhance them he would be a great judge on quality." I explain.

"Are we supposed to like big boobs?" Meredith asks us.

"Oh, God, no. They'll make you fall over." Cristina replies.

"And your boobs are proportional for your body. Any bigger and it wouldn't look right." I state checking Meredith's boobs out.

"Hey..." Lexie comes over to us. "I have a patient with a headache better after sumatriptan. He's ready to be discharged. Just need one of you to sign off."

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