My Wife is a Slut

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Sorry for the long wait. I hope you all enjoy this update.

"Well, I will have to start my suspension once the roads are clear." I complain as I take a seat in Meredith's room.

"So are we..."

"What?" I ask her and she just laughs at me.

"You literally broke Arizona's fake leg and it was very entertaining might I add but..."

"She broke my persons heart. She's lucky I broke something that was reparable. And if we're really talking. I didn't break her freaking leg. I just knocked it out of her socket."

"What would you do to Derek if he cheated?" She teases me with a smirk on her face.

"Oh, I don't tell people my crimes. It makes it that much harder to pinpoint it on me." I wink at her and she laughs. "Plus they would never find his body if he cheated on you. I would make sure of that." I add to the end. Bailey starts to cry.

"Oh, can you..."

"On it." I get up and waddle over to pick up Meredith's son. "So will you be jealous if he gets McDreamy's hair?" Meredith moves over and I sit on her bed as I pass Bailey over to her.

"No." She giggles. "I would find it adorable least he won't have my hair."

"Your hair is beautiful." I compliment her.

"Oh no, it's not. Not compared to Derek's."

"Well, I can definitely say I happy Davina has Mark's hair because mine is thin and I can barely do anything with it."

"Hey." Cristina comes in and the look on her face worries us. We make room for her in the tiny hospital bed and we squish together. "Owen and I...oh you know, I don't even know what to call it. Ended it? Broke up? I feel like I'm gonna die."

"You always end it, and then you start it again." Meredith reminds her.

"Yeah, but this is different." Cristina explains to us.

"But you still want him in your life though right?" I ask her.

"I don't know. I mean...he's my best friend and...besides the two of you he's someone I can count on for a lot of things and..."

"Not having him in your life is not something you see."

"I just...I don't know." She looks at us with sadness in her eyes. "I'm gonna go to sleep. Oh just for like, 20 minutes." She announces.

"Uh yeah...let me put little guy up." I take Bailey back and put him in the bed. He's still sound asleep after Mer calmed him down.

"Oh and Robbins cheating on Callie? Oh! Did not see that coming." Meredith shakes her head at Cristina. "What?"

"Mention the whore one more time and I will find her and skin her alive!"

"That's why." Meredith points to me as I'm ranging with anger.

"Oh...pregnancy hormones?" Cristina suggests and I glare at her.

"Don't start with me." I warn her and she holds her hands up. "Please change the subject or I will break Robbins working leg." I plead.

"Uh well...Bailey is a good name." Cristina changes the topic. "But two Bailey's? You don't think it's gonna be confusing?"

"No, because if I say Bailey peed on me, I think it's safe to assume that I'm talking about my son." Meredith answers.

"And there's less fear in her voice when she mentions Bailey her son versus you know Bailey." I emphasis.

"I am not..."

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