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I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Mark's POV

"Dr. Boswell it's wonderful to have you here with us." I greet the specialist we flew in.

"When you get a personal invitation from Dr. Mark Sloan you come running." Dr. Boswell explains and I chuckle.

"This is my prodigy fellow Dr. Jackson Avery." I introduce Jackson.

"When Dr. Sloan said he was flying you out I was thrilled." Jackson states.

"I see I have a fan." Boswell jokes.

"Uh. Robbins we were just getting started." I greet Arizona.

"Ohh...Arizona." Boswell greets Arizona. Avery and I look at them confused.

"You guys know each other?" Jackson asks.

"No." Arizona answers while Boswell says yeah.

"I...we met...we met briefly." Arizona explains.

"We had coffee." Boswell explains.

"Dr. Boswell is the craniofacial specialist I flew in to help with Tyler's case." I explain to Arizona.

"You're Dr. Boswell?"

"Mm-hmm." Boswell nods her head. "How about this little guy? Brain on the outside. That can't be comfortable, huh?"

"Well, uh, welcome. We're glad to have you." Arizona smiles at her.

"Oh, are kidding. I mean, the combination of the encephalocele and facial cleft...surgeons go their whole career without seeing one of these. So I'm thrilled to be here."

"So what's your approach?" Robbins questions her.

"Um, I'd like to get a couple more scans before I commit to anything."

"We have a full-body scan that takes 13 seconds." I inform Boswell.

"Well, this is going to be fun." She smiles.

"Well, we'll talk strategy later?" Robbins asks.

"I'll look forward to that."

"I told you Avery she is good." I state to Jackson.

"I still can't believe we got her, huh?" Jackson comments. "She's a freaking rock star."

"Yeah, she seems um...competent." Robbins states.

"She is more than competent. It's okay to compliment her Robbins. She's amazing. She's going to leave Tyler with no residue or scar. And we can all learn a thing or two from her." I state.

"Is there any way you think she'll let me perform any of the surgery?" Jackson asks.

"Read up on the procedure and I will decide if you can hold a scalpel." I order.


"Go and study for this surgery." Jackson goes running.

"That was a little harsh." Arizona comments to me.

"He's about to be on his own fully. He's about to be on his own and I'm just making sure he can. Making sure that everything I've taught him is ingrained into his brain. He's the only one besides Gen that I felt like I could pass my gifts along. I just worry..."

"You're worried Jackson will never need you again."

"We're still the Plastics Posse." I state.

"Alex still comes to me for help. When he thinks he's way over his head. He comes to me. Jackson will do the same. We will always be their mentors." She reminds me.

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