Taking a Break

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3rd Person POV

"Callie, I feel uh, that you should go with a primary repair

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"Callie, I feel uh, that you should go with a primary repair." Arizona tells Callie. Jo and Gen watch on as they work on their portion of the surgery, trying to work through the tense relationship of Callie and Arizona.

"Eh, I feel the artery's missing too large a piece. We'll do an interposition graft." Callie declares.

"W...you agreed with me in pre-op." Arizona says with annoyance.

"Yeah, well, I changed my mind once I got in here and saw the extent of the defect." Callie explains.

"Finished ligating the bleeders, all set." Gen announces.

"Yeah, and I don't see any more bone fragments, Dr. Torres, so..."

"When you so quickly disregarded my medical opinion, it makes me feel like you forget that I'm a pediatric surgeon who knows that interpostional graft can cause complications in children." Arizona cuts Jo off.

"Well, when you question me in the O.R., it makes me feel like you don't think I can do my job. We'll use a PTFE graft, Wilson." Callie instructs.

"Use the great saphenous vein, Wilson." Arizona challenges. "We don't need any synthetic materials." Callie lets out a giant scoff at Arizona's tactics.

"Okay, fine. Cut into the kid's leg."

"Okay, here's what we're going to do." Gen speaks up.

"My way because you know I'm right." Callie says to her person.

"No, mine because you know what I've taught you about pediatric surgery." Arizona says.

"No, my..."

"Both of you shut up now!" Gen roars, shutting the two surgeons up. "As the orthopedic and pediatric surgeon, I will call rank. We are going with Dr. Robbins technique."

"Seriously!" Callie complains. "This is crap and..."

"Dr. Torres!" Gen yells, shutting her up. "You will get on board or get the hell out."

"Dr. Benoist, if you..."

"I have considered all options, and my mind is made up. We are going with Dr. Robbins method." Gen stares them both down. "Now you two work your shit out but not in the O.R. you got that?"

"Yes." Callie and Arizona mutter.

"Wilson, you will be lead assist."

"I will?" Jo asks, surprised.

"You can handle this surgery, right?"

"Yes, of course. Thank you, Dr. Benoist." Jo is smiling ear from ear as she switches position with Gen. "Thank you and..."

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