One, Two, Squeeze

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Thank you all for the support. I love reading the comments you all leave. Enjoy this update.

Mark's POV

I feel numb as the only sound we hear on the phone is the busy dial tone. My life flashes before my eyes of everything I love and it being taken away from me in an instant. I've never felt this helpless in my life. "I just spoke to emergency dispatch. Another ambulance is coming now. The cops are a few minutes out. And the helicopter wouldn't be any faster since they leave out of Skykomish. Are we still on speaker or what?" Avery asks and no one wants to say anything.

"Uh, we were talking to them. And there was a loud noise and...we lost them." Robbins answers him." I keep running through my head all of the worst possibilities. Gen and our baby have to be okay. Theo needs his other and I need my wife. I don't know what I'll do if she's taken from me. " Avery." Robbins calls out getting his attention. "Dr. Shepherd and Dr. Sloan are going to put down their instruments. And you're gonna step in for them. The hard part is over. I'll walk you through the rest." I feel Robbins looking at me. "Mark." She says my name and I look at her. "Go. I have this. Both of you." She looks at Derek. I don't even notice myself standing up and my headlight is removed from my head as I walk slowly out of the O.R. I find myself sinking to the floor in an empty hall and bawling my eyes. I finally found someone to love me for my faults and now she could be taken away from me.

Gen's POV

"Alex if you want to go, you go. We're not gonna fix your guilt by me letting you die in an ambulance so that I c..." Everything happens in slow motion. My eyes never leave Alex as we all get tossed around in the rig. I watch as Meredith hits her head on the baby incubator as Alex slides on the floor hitting his head on the wall of the rig. My body falls forward and I hit my head on the seat and I finally make contact with the floor. My whole body is frozen with fear. It is true they say when good things are happening something bad is bound to happen.

"Gen!" Alex calls out my name but I stay frozen. "Gen!"

"Alex, I...I..." I'm still frozen with one hand that is not trapped under supplies reaches for my belly as I lay in a fetal position. "I..."

"I'm coming." Alex declares and I hear him groaning as he gets up. "Mer are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Meredith answers him.

"You're bleeding." I feel Alex near me. "I'm going to turn you on your back Gen."

"Okay." I whisper. I feel Alex slowly moves me and his face stays neutral. "I'm afraid to move." I whisper to him.

"Mer." Alex calls out and Meredith joins him in helping me up.

"How did you fall?" Meredith asks me.

"Forward." I answer as I rest my hands on my belly. Tears streaming down my face. "I don't know if I landed on my belly or..."

"Does anything hurt?" Alex asks me as he checks me out.

"I don't know. I'm in too much shock to register any pain." I reply.

"I'm going to do an exam okay." Meredith explains and I nod my head as her hands push on my belly. I wince in pain when she hits a certain spot. "How bad does it hurt?"

"Pretty bad." I answer her. I place my hands on my belly and I smile feeling my baby kicking. "She's kicking." I announce and they smile.

"That's good. That means she's strong and..."

"She's kicking a lot." I state as I feel around more for my baby. "She..."

"Is it more or less than normal?" Alex asks me.

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