Getting Closer

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Here is a touching update, enjoy.

"Maman, tu n'es pas oblige d'etre ici. Allez h..." Mom you don't have to be here. Go h...

"Ne sois pas ridicule Genevieve. Vos etes enceinte de Presque six mois. Je serai ici aussi longtemps que tu auras besoin de moi." Don't be ridiculous Genevieve. You are almost six months pregnant. I will be here for as long as you need me.

"J'ai peur." I'm scared. I whisper to my mom as we sit in the baby's nursery. She grabs my hand and rubs it.

"Ll n'y a aucune raison d'avoir peur ma chere." There is no reason to be afraid my dear.

"J'ai tout ce que je pourrais souhaiter dans la vie et j'ai peur chaque jour que quelque chose se passe mal. Je me reveille au milieu de la nuit avec peur que Theo cesse de respier dans son lit ou...que..." I have everything I could ever wish for in life and I'm afraid every day that something will go wrong. I wake up in the middle of the night afraid that Theo stopped breathing in his bed or...that... My mom makes me look at her and tears are streaming down my face.

"Vous avez vecu beaucoup de traumatismes ma chere. Des choses que la plupart n'ont jamais a traverser et voous avex reussi a traverser tout cela. C'est quelque chose de nouveau mais c'est une chose magnifique. Vous allex donner naissance a un bebeb en bonne sante et fair grandir votre mervelleuse famille." You've been through a lot, my dear. Things that most never have to go through and you've made it through and you've made it through all of that. This is something new but it's a beautiful thing. You're going to give birth to a healthy baby and grow this wonderful family of yours.

"Je ne suis jamais arrive aussi loin et..." I've never made it this far and...

"Les miracles se produisent tout le temps. Vous devez continuer a penser positivement." Miracles happen all the time. You have to keep thinking positively. "C'est cense etre un moment heureux dans votre vie. Vous devex vous permettre de profiter de ce Genevieve." This is supposed to be a happy time in your life. You need to allow yourself to enjoy this Genevieve.

Alex's POV

"Okay listen up! Gen will be arriving here in fifteen minutes. We still need the scrapbooking station set up and..."

"Calm down Evil Spawn!" Cristina argues with me as she and Mer continue to set up the food table.

"This has to be perfect. She needs this to be perfect." I remind everyone.

"You're freaking out more than Sloan is." Meredith says to me as I make sure everything is in order. "Do we know what they are having?"

"They are doing the reveal today. They wanted to wait as long as possible." I explain to everyone.

"Okay, I have the reveal cake and the box for their cards." Callie states with Arizona holding Sofia.

"Good they will be here soon and this is not ready." I complain as I run around checking on things.

"What are you talking about? This is gorgeous." Callie compliments looking around Gen's backyard. "I still can't believe this is their house."

"This is a beautiful setup Karev. Nice job." Arizona compliments me.

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