Grants and Tension

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Sorry for the long wait in-between updates. I would rather take the time to give you guys the best chapters than force myself to just update to update. I hope you enjoy this chapter. It was fun to write.

3rd Person POV

"The winner of the grant is awarded one full research year in residence at the Preminger Research Center. Each attending will nominate one candidate and submit them to the Chief of Surgery, who will then review and make a decision based on...oh." Penelope stops reading the information. "I didn't know I was eligible to apply." She tells Jo and Stephanie.

"Yeah. It's open to any resident, any year." Stephanie tells her without taking her eyes off her application. "You gonna apply?"

"No." Penelope answers. "I just got to Grey-Sloan. I can barely find the bathrooms." She moves to sit in a chair next to Jo.

"Is resourceful okay. Do you think I should write that I'm resourceful or inventive?" Jo asks.

"Put that you're both." Penelope suggests.

"Put that you're annoying when you think aloud." Stephanie teases her. "Why are these spaces so small?" She complains. "These spaces cannot contain how awesome I am. Yes, this is gold. See? I just won this thing." She tells her friends.

"You don't even need an awesome application. You have Shepherd and Grey in your corner. You have the neuro goddesses backing you all the way." Penelope reminds Stephanie.

"Oh, I did until you took over Shepherd's service, and Grey only has me on sparingly." Stephanie complains.

"I didn't do it! Webber's scramble did it." Penelope argues.

"Well, when you apply next year, Shepherd and Grey will have your back." Jo tells Penelope.

"And Meredith Grey and Torres. Benoist, Sloan, and...I mean, who won't have your back?" Stephanie moves to sit next to Jo on the couch. "You'll be set."

"Jo has Benoist, Karev, both Grey's and Sloan on her side." Penelope points out.

"Not Benoist or Sloan." Jo says.

"Since when?"

"Since Alex and I have been on the outs. Benoist spends most of her time on fetal and really likes Warren. He's apparently really good with the babies and moms, and she's been having ridiculously hard and amazing cases, and he is her go-to resident." Jo complains. "And Sloan is so hard to work with. If you're not perfect in plastics, he doesn't want you."

"Remember when they all hated you?" Stephanie asks Penelope.

"Vividly. I still get nightmares of Benoist throwing that knife at me and it barely missing my head."

"That was a good knife throw." Jo says.

"And she was drunk." Stephanie adds. "If I had to have someone inebriated do surgery on me, I would choose Benoist."

"I second that." Jo says.

"Plus, she would say soothing things to me in French." Stephanie adds.

"Or curse you out. Either way, it all sounds amazing." Jo says.


"Okay, I'm done." Jo states.

"Me too. Press submit on three?"

"1,2,3." Jo and Stephanie submit their applications feeling like a huge weight is lifted off their shoulders.

"Callie and Gen have gotten along more, and that makes me happy." Penelope shares.

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