Getting Cold Feet

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Here is the official last chapter of Mending Broken Hearts. I cannot express how grateful I am to all of your support and love for my character Gen. I cannot believe I have finished my second Grey's book. Thank you and be on the look out for the third installment titled Endless Fights.

3rd Person POV

Alex enters his apartment to find Jo setting the table with breakfast for them. He walks past her, not saying a word as he grabs a back to pack some of his things so he can stay at Gen's. "Let's make a baby." Jo blurts out. Alex stops what he's doing and stares at her.


"You said that you wanted a baby, and that you would make an amazing dad. And that's what you're worried about, right that I'm not all in? But I am." Jo assures him. "And I love you." She touches his face, but he pulls away.

"Are you gonna tell me why you won't marry me?"

"I told you that I love you..." Alex continues to pack. "And that I'm not going anywhere. So isn't that enough? Can't that be enough for you?" Alex keeps packing.

"You know I was with Gen and Mer this morning, and I was thinking about the three of us; we've been through hell. You know all kinds of drama. Crazy family stuff, the three of us almost dying, losing people we love."

"You're not losing me." Jo reminds him.

"The point is, we grew up." Alex interrupts her. "Gen, Mer, and I grew up. We got through it. And hell is behind me. It's in my rearview mirror, and I'm not going back. I'm done. I'm not... I'm not some idiot kid anymore, Jo. I'm a man, and I'm done with games. I'm done with crazy. I'm done with losing. I'm done with drama. I don't care about your secrets." Alex grabs his bag and moves to the kitchen. "And your excuses and your drama. You know, I've heard that."

"Alex, if we could just..."

"I just said I don't want to do this!" Alex snaps. I have never had one second of anything real my entire life. I want truth. I want a wife, and a house, and a family! Amelia, and Owen's wedding today, I want that." Alex declares. "Gen and Mark, and all the shit they've ensured, they've made it out on top. They've found their soulmate. I want what they have. Their family they created. The love they have for one another. They have no secrets. They are open books. I want that, and you can't give that to me." Alex shakes his head.

"But I can. We don't have to be married to have the kids and the family. We can do that without marriage."

"But you won't even tell me why marriage is off the table." Jo is silent. "I can't commit myself to you and with a family with a big secret involved." Alex slams out of the apartment, leaving Jo heartbroken.

Amelia stands looking at herself in the mirror, furious over what she heard Meredith telling Owen. Mark has checked on her numerous times, but it's not the same as Derek. "Hey, I'm here." Meredith announces herself. "Sorry, I'm late. I had two patients I had to discharge. And Owen just had cuff-link issues." Meredith notices Amelia hasn't said anything. "Are you okay? Amelia."

"You should probably go." Amelia tells Meredith.

"Where's Maggie? Where's Mark?"

"Maggie's checking on the weather. It's raining. Didn't you notice? Mark's greeting the crowd. Being Mark." Amelia replies.

"What's wrong? What's happening?" Meredith asks, confused. "What can I do?"

'What can you do? What..." Amelia chuckles at the question. "That is amazing. That is an amazing question. What can you do?"

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