Coming Back to Reality

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Here's another chapter, enjoy.

3rd Person POV

All of the attendings are in a meeting with Hunt to discuss the residents and if they are staying at Seattle Grace Mercy West or leaving for another program. Owen finishes writing the last resident's name. "Where are we with Avery?" Owen asks Mark.

"Holding offers from U.S.C, Penn, Tulane, and Emory. Tulane and Emory are in love. They want him bad." Mark explains to Owen.

"Grey?" Owen looks at Derek.

"Still between Boston and Seattle." Derek answers.

"If I'm gonna lose one of my talented residents and my top neurosurgeon, I'd love a decision sooner than later."

"You and me both, Hunt." Owen writes a question mark on Grey's name.

"Yang?" Owen asks and everyone looks at him like he's insane.

"Well, she didn't tell you?" Mark asks Owen.

"Uh, Stanford and Columbia are playing hardball, but I'm confident that we're still in the mix." Teddy speaks up.

"Lee, Steinman, and Renaldo?" Owen calls out.

"Offer from Rice." Callie informs.

"Leaning toward Wash U." Bailey adds.

"Baylor and San Diego are both after him." Webber adds.

"Benoist is staying." Callie speaks up making the other attendings smile.

"Yes, our very own Genevieve Benoist is double board-certified in orthopedic and pediatric surgery and after completion of her peds fellowship she will become this hospital's first triple board-certified surgeon." Owen announces and the room erupts in applause.

"She is one of mine!" Bailey declares to the whole room. "So if any of you wonder who was her mentor. It was me. Dr. Miranda Bailey." She smirks with pride.

"Also Karev is staying." Arizona announces and Owen puts a checkmark by Gen and Alex's name.

"If we are out of this many surgeons, I'm gonna need to hire now, so let's get answers from our people are soon as possible. Thank you. And let's not forget that we've agreed to assist Boise Memorial with their conjoined twin surgery, so make sure your teams are ready to leave from the lobby no later than 10:00 tomorrow night." Owen instructs everyone.

Gen's POV

The drinks are flowing and the music is blaring. Mark has the kids for the night so I can celebrate with my fellow residents. I hold my bottle of wine and dance on the couch with Meredith and Cristina. "We passed our boards!" Meredith yells.

"We killed the boards!" Cristina replies.

"We made the boards our bitches!" I add and we continue to drink and dance.

"Whoo!'" April joins us now and we're all worried for her. She is not handling the news of failing her boards well. Cristina's phone rings and we quickly turn the music down.

"This is Dr. Yang." Cristina is panting from all the dancing and drinking. "Mm-hmm. Well, that does certainly give me a lot to think about. Thank you so much for calling." She hangs up the phone. "Mayo wants to give me a research lab. Guess who's back in the running!" She announces to the room. Everyone cheers for her. Meredith turns the music back up.

"Whoo! Yeah, Cristina!" April cheers.

"April!" Cristina replies. Another phone rings and we turn the music back down. April races to pick up her phone.

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