Blast from the past

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I love that so many of you enjoyed the last chapter. Gen and Mark are having a baby girl and I can't wait for you all to meet her.

"Dr. Benoist!" Arizona runs up to me.

"Uh...Dr. Robbins hi I..."

"I have your gift." She states to me.

"You and Callie already gave me a wonderful gift." I remind her.

"Uh, yeah that was a nice one but I have something even better." Arizona is smiling big at me.

"Which is..."

"I would love to formally let you know that you are accepted into the peds fellowship!"


"We're going to get you some wheely skates and this is going to be awesome. Everyone is so excited to have you on our team." Arizona is beaming at me.

"I got into the peds fellowship?" I ask Arizona and she nods her head.

"You are an impressive candidate Benoist and we're very lucky to have you joining our team." Arizona hugs me and I let it all set in. I'm going to be a peds and an ortho surgeon in a short couple of months. And after that fetal medicine.

"Mer I got it!"

"Got what?"

"The peds fellowship!" I exclaim and she drops everything.

"I know you would!" We hug it out. "That is amazing how...did you just find out?"

"Yes, Robbins stopped me and welcome me to the peds family,'s all happening." I mutter.

"Grey. Benoist." Bailey interrupts us.

"Dr. Bailey, I've been going over this islet cell data. And I think that..."

"Follow me." Bailey ignores Meredith. "You too Benoist." I walk right behind Bailey unsure of what she wants.

"Are we not going to the mouse lab today? Because I..."

"We've got bigger things to worry about than mice, Grey." Bailey cuts Meredith off.

"Like uh...another rodent?" I ask Bailey and she glares at me.

"Are you feet as quick as your wit?" Bailey questions us. "Move 'em." She orders and we follow as quickly behind her as possible.

"Uh Dr. Bailey I'm on trauma today and..."

"Not now you're not." She cuts me off. Meredith and I share a look of concern. "When I say this is a very important patient, I mean, she is very important to me. I do not like it, but I have a very full schedule today, and you two will have to be my proxy. No one other than the two of you will touch this patient. You both will run every test I ask for. You will report every result back to me personally. This woman has lost a husband and a son in this hospital. I will not lose another O'Malley. Lost under this roof."

"O'Malley?" Meredith and I look at each other.

"George's mother is the V.I.P.?" I ask Bailey as we enter a room.

"Meredith Grey. Genevieve Benoist." Mrs. O'Malley greets us from her bed.

"As promised." Bailey looks to us.

"It's been so long. Oh, you two come over here and give me a hug." Mrs. O'Malley holds out her arms for us to hug her. Meredith goes first plastering a smile on her face that I swear it's straining her. "Oh and Gen you..." Her eyes widen with pride as she looks at me. "You're having a baby." She looks to my obvious bump.

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