Finding Joy

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I love reading your comments and I can't wait for season 8. There is going to be so much happening and it's going to be insane.

"So everything looks good?" Mark asks Dr. Norris for the thousandth time.

"I will say again but yes. Mark the baby looks good and healthy and Gen is doing great." She wipes off the wand and puts it away.

"So what do we need to look out for?" I ask her feeling anxious as ever.

"Well, you just finished your first trimester with no complications. I will still keep every two-week appointments to be on the safe side. No need to think all is well until something isn't."

"Right." Mark nods his head in agreement with her.

"Are you two still not wanting to know the sex?" She asks us.

"Uh...we want to wait until we're a little further along." I answer her.

"No worries. But if you keep taking your prenatal vitamins and keeping stress levels low then I see no problem with you having a perfectly normal pregnancy." Dr. Norris explains to us.

"Yeah keeping my stress level down. That is not going to happen." I state to her.

"In a few weeks her fifth year of Residency starts and she has to start choosing a specialty." Mark explains.

"Well, congratulations. Fifth-year is always exciting."

"So uh...if I feel like weird can I just pop in for an appointment and you can tell me if something is wrong?" I ask still feeling anxious.

"Gen there is no..."

"I know you're going to say there is nothing to worry about but...that's all I do. Last time I didn't even know I was pregnant until I lost the baby. And when I was trying to get pregnant it took me over 2 years. So yes I want to know that everything is okay. I need to know that I am doing everything to keep my baby safe and healthy." I blow up and I feel them both looking at me like I'm strange.

"It is normal to feel this way after battling infertility. You're unsure of your own body and what it might do. But..." Dr. Norris brings both Mark and me closer together. Making us look at her. "Something can always happen even if we do everything right. Some things cannot be prevented but stressing about the unknown will put you at more risk. So enjoy this pregnancy. Enjoy the life you are about to bring into the world and just take a deep breath. If something goes wrong we have a highly skilled team ready to do everything they can."

"Okay." I mumble.

"You need to have more faith in this Gen. Your own internal stress will only this worse." Dr. Norris advises me.

"This is going to be fine Gen. This is all going to be fine." Mark whispers to the side of my head. 

Mark and I walk out of my O.B. appointment unsure of ourselves. We want to be excited but the fear is still there for both of us. "So Derek asked if he and Meredith could have Theo for the night." Mark blurts out.

"They want to watch Theo? For a night?" I ask for clarification.

"Yeah, one of the African kids Karev brought over really made an impression on Derek. He wants to adopt her but wants to see how he and Meredith do with a kid." Mark explains to me.

"So they want to test out their idea of starting a family by test-driving our son?" I ask and Mark nods his head. "Well, they should have found a fussy baby. Theo is an absolute angel." I explain with pride and Mark scoffs. "What was that?" I demand from him.

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