Are You Worthy?

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I never thought I would make it this far writing a Grey's book. I am so excited for you all to read what I have planned for the later seasons. It's going to be amazing.

"Okay remind me again how we got stuck with three kids?" Mark asks me as I put Sofia in her bouncy chair.

"They said they would do the same for us next time." I remind him.

"I had to cancel our reservations." Mark complains.

"You'll get over it. Food will be here later and..." The doorbell rings. "Ugh if Alex forgot his key again I'm kicking him out." I declare as Sofia bounce's in her seat. Theo is eating his dinner in front of the T.V. Mark picks up Davina and answers the door.

"I got steak and I bought a really good red. And a salad. I'm gonna cook for you." I hear Jackson's voice. I pick up Sofia and join Mark at the door.

"Avery...I have a wife and two kids. And a goddaughter." Mark reminds him.

"And Gen is brilliant so we can study together. So as soon as the kids are tucked in for bed, you can help us study for our boards. 'Cause I am behind. Way behind." Jackson pleads with us. Mark and I share a look.

"What'd you pay for that bottle of wine?" Mark asks.

"50 bucks." Jackson answers. Mark and I step back letting him in the house.

"I'll get the flashcards." I announce.

"You made flashcards?" Jackson asks me as he takes off his jacket.

"Always." I answer as I place Sofia back in her bouncy chair. "I hope you bought me a steak too. I don't like to share. Mama can eat." I state to Jackson.

"I could never forget you Gen." Jackson unpacks the food he bought.

"You're okay with this?" Mark asks me as he rocks Davina in his arms. "I can send him home."

"He's fine. It's good to have a study group and...he's making food. That's all a plus." I smile. The doorbell rings. "I got it." I state to Mark and head to the door. I open it revealing Lexie with Zola in her arms.

"Hey. I thought the, uh, the girls and Theo could have a play date. And uh...we could have a girls night or..." Jackson drops something in the kitchen.

"Oh, is Mark making dinner for you two? Am I ruining your Valentine's Day?" Lexie asks me worriedly.

"Is that food?" Mark asks.

"Jackson's cooking dinner." I inform her.

"Oh. That's...but I can kick him out. He's Mark's guy, not mine." I assure her. I can make him and Mark go on a bro date."

"Hey." Jackson comes to see who is at the door and he's shocked to see Lexie standing there.

"Nope. I...I don't...we can talk another time and..."

"Lexie get your ass inside." I move over for her to come in. "Mark or Jackson will share their steak with you." I tell her.

"Oh hey, Little Grey." Mark greets Lexie. "Sofia. Theo. Your friend's here."

"Lexie." Theo comes running to greet her.

"See now you can't leave. It will break my son's heart. And you don't want to do that." I pout at Lexie as she feels uncomfortable with Jackson being here.


"We can be adults about this Lex. And...I have enough food for all of us." Jackson assures her.

"Come on you can help us study." I smile as Lexie steps in.

"Well, Zola has been asking for Sofia and Theo so..."

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