New Management

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I hope you all enjoy this update.

Gen's POV

"You did amazing out there." Dad compliments Theo as we go out to dinner as a family.

"Look I got an award." Theo shows us his stuffed animal with a ribbon on it that they gave to him for being the best novice ballet dancer in the company.

"And you worked hard for that award buddy." Mark reassures Theo.

"I want to dance." Davina states.

"And you will next year." I assure her as I help her color a superhero coloring book.

"I was thinking of possibly buying a house here." dad says.

"In Settle?" I ask him confused.

"I know you both have such a busy schedule and coming out to L.A. is sometimes hard. I would like to have a place where my family can come to visit me and...Seattle is a wonderful place." He explains.

"I mean if you feel like having another place more power to you." I state.

"Are you going to have a baby shower?"

"Uh...well..." I look at Mark. "We already have two kids and...people have given me showers for both of them. I wasn't going to..."

"I would love to throw you a shower."

"Dad you don't have to do that."

"But I want to. And I have been reaching out to your mom and she's in agreeance...."

"Whoa...whoa!" Mark interrupts. "You have been in talks with Eleanor?"

"After Gennie and you having that horrific accident we've realized what is important and...being there fully for our kids is the best thing."

" weren't at..."

"I know I wasn't there for Christmas and that was a choice on both our parts. We didn't want to jump into things too soon at such an important time of the year."

"You and mom are talking? You haven't talked in decades."

"It's never too late to repair the damages caused. I have been selfish and...irresponsible with my time. And I want to make amends with it all." He explains to us.

"Well...we would..." Mark grabs my hand and we share a look. "We would love it to have you closer to us."

"Au clar de la lune, on n'y voit qu'un peru. On checha la plume, on chercha du feu. En cherchant d'la sorte, je n'sais c'qu on trouva. Mais je sais qu'la porte sur eux se ferma." I lean against the door with a smile on my face. Seeing my dad sing to my kids like he did when I was young. "Bonne nuit petits anges." Good night little angels. Dad turns and sees me.

"The kids love getting to know you."

"I'm thankful that you're allowing me to be apart of their lives." I lead him out to the living room.

"I never wanted to come to you for anything...especially money. I...are you sure you're okay with investing in a hospital?"

"I'm investing in you, Genevieve."

"Dad I can't ask that of you. I can't..."

"I'm not being what Dr. Avery is. I know you are doing great things and those are linked to that hospital. For you to continue and grow to the best you can be and even surpass that you need this hospital. This hospital is an investment that I am proud to be apart of."

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