Facing Challenges Head On

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I thank you all for sticking with me through this writers block. I hope you all enjoy this update. More to come soon.

Lexie's POV

"How could you not tell me?!"

"I...you know my family is complicated I..."

"You could have told me your family was Gen!"

"I had no idea you knew my sister!"

"Lies!" I throw a pillow at Henry. "You damn well knew what hospital I worked out. Where I'm from. And you obviously know where your sister works and...you never connected the dots?"

"Babe, I swear I..."

"You have been holding my hand throw all of my therapy. When the first prosthetic didn't work and I wanted to give up you stood by my side the whole way. Why couldn't you give a damn about your sister?"

"I...she...you don't know my sister. You don't know how she's like and..."

"I know Gen maybe even more than you know her." I interrupt. "She was the first resident who showed me kindness. Who actually taught me what it means to be a good doctor. Gen is amazing and for you to know she was in a plane crash and to care is..."

"You think I didn't care?!"

"Well, that's how it seems Henry! We were stranded for four days in the woods. Gen is the reason I am alive! She..."

"Gen has only ever cared about medicine. That's all she could ever talk about. She valued her career over her family. She didn't have to move across the country and basically not see any of us. She's distant from the family because she wants too not because she has to."

"You think she wanted to be away all the time? You think at the holidays she didn't want to be with her family?" I ask Henry.

"She never made an effort."

"I can tell you from being a surgeon myself...our career, in the beginning, doesn't allow us to have a real social life outside of the hospital. We are expected and proud to say we work over 80 hours a week. We know the sacrifices we make and the damage it can do to relationships but we know the end goal."

"Being a doctor isn't everything." Henry argues with me and my heart is crushed to hear this.

"For people like Gen and me. Being a surgeon is everything. It's where we feel the most free, creative, and most in control. Being in the O.R. it's just us, the patient, and a scalpel. We know instantly that we will forever change someone's life and the rush you get from that is unexplainable unless you've experienced it yourself. I understand it's not easy to love someone who is a surgeon but...Gen is a gifted triple board-certified surgeon...which did you know how rare it is for a doctor to be that? Triple board-certified? Gen put in more hours than in anyone getting her certifications and she's a badass because of it..."

"Everything has always been about Gen!!!" Henry yells at me.

"What are you talking about?"

"All my family can ever talk about is how horrible it was for our dad to leave right on Gen's birthday. Oh, look there's Gen with all the brains getting into medical school. Oh, Gen, she's becoming a doctor wait no a damn surgeon!"

"You sound pathetically jealous of your sister. I snap at him.

"I was the first one to hold Gen when she was born. Collette and Frankie didn't want to go to the hospital. But I wanted to see my new sister. I tried to protect her from everything but...the moment she met Mark Sloan, she..." Henry punches the wall. "He broke her and she still went back to him. I...I knew what kind of man he is and...I warned her about it but...she still went back to him. Hell, she married him, and now..."

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