Deciding a Speciality

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I hope you all enjoy this update.

"This blows. Webber stole the surgery from me!" Alex complains as the rest of us sit in the gallery since it's our only way of witnessing this historic surgery.

"At least you had a surgery that was stolen. I've had nothing." I complain.

"I thought you were on maternity leave?" April asks me.

"Yeah, I was. I got caught up on all the paperwork crap for Chief Resident and even made the skill lab schedules for the rest of the year. I also booked two guest surgeons to teach the residents new groundbreaking skills..."

"You did that in the last month?" April asks me shocked.

"I did that in the last two weeks. I love being at home and with my child but...mama needs to work." I explain to her.

"Thank you by the way for taking over the paperwork and scheduling. It allowed me to take more time in the O.R. for trauma and peds." April explains.

"It's only fair. I hogged all of them when you were drowning in work." I reply.

"Mama." Theo comes back over to me from looking at Mark from the window. "Where is dada?" He asks. Alex picks him up so he can sit in his lap since my belly has gotten so big.

"You see the guy right there." Alex asks pointing Mark out to Theo. Theo nods his head. "That's your dad. He's just wearing a mask and all gowned up that you didn't notice him."

"Ah." Theo says as Alex shares snacks with him.

"Excuse me. Excuse me." Meredith says making her way through the crowd with Zola in her arms. "Okay, look at this face." She points to Zola and we all smile. "Seriously, look at this face."

"Hi, Zola." Theo waves at her and she waves back. Meredith takes a seat with Zola on her lap. All Zola wants to do is look over Meredith's shoulder to say hi to Theo who is sharing his snacks with her.

"Yeah, yeah, super cute." Cristina mutters keeping a laser focus on the surgery. "They're in the spinal cord now."

"Bailey spent the last two hours telling me how crappy my life is, but look at this face." Meredith states but we're all focused on the intricateness of the surgery. "Oh, Zola, look there's your daddy. He's about to repair the myelomeningocele. Can you say myelomeningocele?" Meredith asks Zola.

"What an ass." Alex comments.

"Ass." Theo repeats and all the other employees in the room look at me.

"He said it." I point to Alex who isn't phased by it.

"Hey, language." April scolds Alex.

"We have children here." Cristina reminds Alex.

"He pretends to be all gentle with his Alzie wife at home, dispensing zen wisdom from his half-century of being a surgeon. Well, guess what. Yoda down there...biggest shark of 'em all. The guy is dangerous and mean." Alex informs us all about Webber.

"You think he became Chief of Surgery because he was nice and played fair?" I tease Alex.

"I think that what Teddy's doing is mean." April states to Cristina who isn't acknowledging her.

"It's fine." Cristina assures April.

"No, it's horrible. It''s horrible and..." April rambles on.

"You know what else is horrible? Having a dead husband." Jackson interrupts April.

"No, you know what? You don't know, okay? It's not right. Teddy's O.R., it's's like a morgue." April continues on.

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