First Dates

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3d Person POV

"Thanks." Meredith hands over the tablet to a nurse as Stephanie approaches.

"There you are, Edwards." Gen greets their resident.

"I know." Stephanie is worried out of her mind. "Uh, Dr. Benoist and Grey, I am so sorry." She apologizes profusely.

"You should be." Meredith speaks first. "Did you get Shelia's labs?" She takes the tablet from Stephanie.

"Dr. Grey. Dr. Benoist."

"What?" Meredith and Gen say simultaneously as they look over Shelia's labs.

"Nothing. Or thank you." Stephanie follows her attendings into the patient's room. "Uh, you two are very classy ladies."

"Hey, Shelia, good morning." Meredith greets the patient. "This is Dr. Edwards, who will be assisting me in surgery this afternoon."

"And I'm Dr. Benoist; Dr. Grey informed me while she is removing your tumor, I will be working on your femur repair."

"You can do that?" Shelia says.

"It will be no issue at all. Quick recovery." Gen tells her. "Edwards."

"Shelia Davis. 5-centimeter hepatic adenoma. Uh, scheduled for laparoscopic resection this afternoon. She's off O.C.P's for..."

"Could you hand me my purse?" Shelia interrupts Stephanie. "I think I have a hairbrush in there." Stephanie looks to her attendings who don't say anything.

"Sure. Trying to look good for surgery?" Stephanie asks as she passes Shelia her purse.

"No, not for surgery." Shelia shakes her head. "For him." She laughs and looks at Meredith. "James is coming today."

"Oh, that's great." Meredith replies.

"Oh, James?" Stephanie asks.

"My boyfriend." Shelia shows her a photo of him. "Sort of. I mean, soul mate is gross, but yes, my boyfriend. I'm finally meeting him today, and I look like this."

"You haven't met your boyfriend?" Stephanie asks.

"Not in person."

"They met online." Meredith shares.

"A year ago."


"And it's been the most amazing year. Only over tests. Then I told him about my surgery, and he said he had to be here...canceled everything."

"That's really sweet."

"I know it sounds crazy."

"You can get a lot done in a text." Gen says, and Stephanie's eyes widen.

"What am I doing?" Shelia is freaking out. "I mean, why would I want him to meet me like that? He's going to be expecting my profile pic, and I don't even really look that good on my best day."

"Hey, you look fine." Meredith tells her. "And Dr. Edwards completely understands. She has a first date today, too."

"A big one." Gen says as she and Meredith both look at Stephanie, who looks like she wants to die.

"Huge apparently." Meredith adds.

"Really? That's so nice." Shelia gushes.

"No, it's still up in the air." Stephanie says.

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