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Here is part one of the craziness that is Meredith messing with the trial and being found out. Enjoy.

Meredith's POV

"Are you sure Mark and Gen said it was okay?" I ask Derek nervously as he lets me carry Theo inside the house.

"They are totally fine with it. They're even having a date night." Derek explains to me.

"Okay but...I don't think he likes me and..." Theo is crying his head off and nothing I'm doing seems to soothe him. "I think he wants someone else to hold him." I try passing Theo off to Derek but he just keeps smiling at me. "Why do you keep looking at me like that?"

"I like this." Derek says pointing to me. "I like seeing you with a child. And soon we're going to have our own child."

"Uh...I don't know if..."

"Meredith. Janet liked us. She really liked us. And you love Zola." Derek explains to me. "And babies will cry'll soon figure out how to make them stop."

"Are you sure you don't want to take him? Because..."

"Meredith. You can do this." He assures me.

"I don't thin..." I switch how I'm holding Theo and he stops crying. Now he begins to suck on his thumb.

"Look at that." Derek says looking to Theo who is smiling at us now.

"How...he just stopped..."

"Mark told me that when Gen holds him she loops one arm under his leg to give him more comfort. He thinks you're Gen so..."

"He's smiling." I comment loving the happiness that comes from babies.

"He's happy. He's happy and I'm holding him." I exclaim with pride for myself.

"Gen packed all his favorite toys. Want to play with him?" Derek asks holding a giant bag full of Theo's toys.

"I would love to."

"Is that singing in French?" I ask in disbelief at the toy Theo is clapping along to.

"Mark and Gen are wanting to teach him French and Mandrian." Derek explains as he mimics the dance the little toy is doing for Theo.

"You're really good at this." I comment seeing how much he's getting into playing with Theo.

"I know we can be good at this. I know we're going to be great parents."

"What if I'm like my mother?" I ask in fear.

"The best parts of her. You're talented, determined, and overall passionate for those you love. All the best things."

"Ball." Theo screams as he crawls over to a ball that when he presses on it, it then lights up.

"It's like he doesn't even know we're here." I comment seeing him squeeze the ball in his tiny arms.

"You know it's a good thing that when we get Zola. She will have two friends to play with."

"You're already thinking of the friends she'll have?" I ask him with a smile on my face.

"I think of the birthday's we're going to give her to celebrate how special she is. I think of the life we can give her full of unconditional love and parents who will support her in everything she wants in life. I think of the siblings and family we'll surround her with. I think of all that." Derek explains to me.

"Well, he is very cute." I say pointing to Theo who rolling on his back now.

"That he is." Alex slams the front door shut. Theo turns to his side seeing him.

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