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I knock on Meredith's door needing to know what happened. I need to understand why she would put herself in such a position. I keep waiting and no one answers. "Gen?" Meredith opens the door with a tired look on her face.

"I came to see how you are and I brought food." I state holding up the bag of take out.

"Please come in. I need your help." Meredith lets me in through the door.

"Is you have..."

"They gave me the baby." Meredith exclaims with an overwhelmed expression on her face.

"Where's Derek?" I ask and she just looks to the floor and I know exactly where that ass is. "Have you been taking care of her all by yourself?" I ask concerned for her.

"Nah I'm here." Cristina comes into the room eating ice cream from the container.

"Why aren't you at home with Owen?" I ask Cristina.

"Well, Owen hates me because I'm pregnant and I'm getting an abortion." Cristina cries out. I look at my two friends who seem broken.

"I'm going to order more food."

"You don't have to stay here Gen, we can figure it out." Meredith assures me.

"I know you two can but I know I can also help you. Now how long has she been crying?" I ask Meredith.

"All freaking night." Cristina complains as she eats more ice cream.

"Well, why don't you two get some sleep, and I will take over baby duty." I offer.

"What about Mark and Theo? Won't they be wondering where you are?" Meredith asks me. I hold up my overnight bag.

"I already told Mark he's solo tonight. I was coming to stay at least for a night." Meredith smiles and leads me up to where Zola is crying in her crib.

"Derek usually is the one who can calm her. Nothing I do makes her happy and I fear I'm alone in this..."

"Mer." I stop her rambling. "You're never alone in this at all." I pick up Zola who continues to scream. "It's okay sweet girl. It's okay." I rock her and she begins to stop crying.

" did you do that? I've been trying for two days!"

"Babies can tell when you're stressed out and they act out because of it. Or at least that's how Theo is. He tends to know if I had a bad day at work and clings to me more as if he knows I need more comfort." I explain to her as I place a pacifier in Zola's mouth. "Are you gonna tell me or am I gonna have to get it out of you?" I ask Meredith never taking my eyes off Zola.

"It was Adele." Meredith blurts out. I look up at her now understanding what tough choice she made. "I couldn't live with myself letting her get saline injected in her brain when there was a drug that could save her."

"I understand your reasoning Mer. I really do. It's a hard choice to make." I state to her.

"But you think I'm wrong? That I should have allowed her to get the placebo." Meredith says to me.

"I don't think there's just right and wrong in the world. There's a lot of gray areas that make it difficult for us to perfect humans. I'm happy Adele got the drug and it will give her some more time with The Chief. Don't ever doubt that but...Mer you just jeopardized your whole life."

"I know." She looks to the ground. "The Chief is going to suspend me for a little bit. He's happy his wife got the drug but...not how it happened."

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