Please Don't Leave Me

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There is a slight emotional beginning of this chapter.

Mark's POV

I was used to so long for people leaving me when things got hard or they found out that they couldn't stand me as much as they initially thought. I was used to being dumped or dumping someone to find something or someone bigger and greater. I feel the numbness take over as Gen is wheeled away from me. I feel like the world is crumbling around me. "Mark!" Callie calls my name and I look up at her with tears in my eyes. We run to each other and hug one another tight. "I heard...that Gen was taken into for surgery."

"She...there was amniotic fluid leaking and...Herman wouldn't tell me anything else because she had to...I can't lose them, Torres. I just got everything I've ever wanted..."

"Hey, hey. No, don't think like that ever. Never think like that."

"I should have told her not to go on that pickup. If she wasn't in the rig she wouldn't be in surgery right now. I...I blame myself f..."

"Mark!" Callie yells at me. "This is not your fault. Bad things happen and...bad things happen but Herman is the best there is. Gen and the baby are in the best hands possible." She assures me.

"We just narrowed down the name for the baby." I whisper.

"You have?" Callie asks me shocked.

"Theo passes the nursery every night saying he can't wait to meet his sister. He...if they don't make it. I don't know what I'll tell him. He loves Gen so much and..."

"You love all of them." Callie finishes for me.

"She needs to be okay she..."

"Hey, is Gen okay? I looked for her and I can't se..." Alex stops rambling as he sees the expression on my face. "No...what happened?"

"She is being brought to surgery. She...Herman has to open her up to know what is causing the problem." I explain to Alex.

"Damnit!" He punches the wall making a slight dent in it.

"Alex." Callie gets up to make sure he didn't damage his hand.

"I should have...I should have prevented her fall. she going to be okay? Is the baby okay?" Alex asks me and I break down again.

"Uh...he's going through a lot right now but..." Callie calms Alex down. "You know what this is...this is not the end."

"What?" I ask her confused.

"Genevieve Benoist does not go through all this hell to have a family of her own to possibly die from falling while trying to bring a newborn to this hospital so that it can live. She will pull through because she is strong. Stronger than anyone I know and...she will make it." Callie declares.

"Sloan, I...I should have done more I..."

"Karev, stop. You didn't push my wife down. You were all in an accident. She was injured because of it wasn't your fault." I exclaim to him.

"I...I know you're going through hell right now. I...let me know what I can do. I'll d anything to ease this burden off you and Gen. I...I wish it was me." Alex says with pain in his voice.

"As sweet as that is...I wouldn't wish this on anyone." I state to Alex. "What O.R. is she in?" I quickly ask Callie.

"3..." I take off running not listening to them as I burst through the doors into the gallery. I place my hands on the window getting as close as I can. All I see is blood all over Herman's gloves and coming out of Gen's stomach. I don't realize I'm about to fall to my knees until someone holds me up.

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