I Lost My Shoe

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Get ready for an emotional ride. Hang on tight.

3rd Person POV

Arizona is screaming on the ground while Mark is trying to get his footing to find his wife. He looks all over for her and can't find her. Meredith finally opens her eyes and notices she's on the ground. "Meredith! Meredith!" Cristina calls out her name. "Get up! You have to get up now! Meredith get up!" Cristina pulls Meredith up as she grunts in pain. "Oh, God." She cradles her arm. Meredith takes in the scene before her. The plane is trashed with over half of it missing.

"I...oh." Meredith notices the branch in the side of her thigh. "How was I out?" She asks Cristina.

"I don't I...I don't know. I lost my...I lost my shoe." Meredith pulls out the branch and makes a tourniquet on her thigh.

"Gen!" Mark calls out. "Gen! Where are you?!" Mark cries out for his wife.

"Where's...where's Derek, Lexie, and Gen?" Meredith asks Cristina who is still focused on her shoe.

"I don't know I lost my shoe." Cristina answers Meredith.

"What happened?" Meredith asks looks around the scene before her.

"The plane crashed. That's what happened. We were on a plane and it crashed. Plane crash." Cristina exclaims to Meredith.

"Where is Derek?!" Meredith yells. "Cristina, where is Derek?"

"He was sucked out the side when we hit the trees, and then the back of the plane came off. It came...it came off." Cristina explains.

"Lexie was in the back of the plane." Meredith is losing it now.

"I...I looked to the back and all I could see was freakin' sky." Cristina looks up to the sun.

"Where is she? And where is Gen?" Meredith looks around.

"I don't know! I only have one shoe!" Cristina yells. Arizona still hasn't stopped screaming.

"I'm bleeding." Meredith touches the back of her head. Arizona's screaming is getting to Cristina.

"Shut up! Shut up!" Cristina yells and Arizona stops her crying.

"Mark?" Gen hobbles towards the crash site.

"Gen." Mark rushes to Gen pulling her to him. He looks over his wife for major injuries.

"I think my foot is broken." Gen informs everyone.

"Here." Mark helps her sit down checking her over. He lifts her foot and she winces.

"Uh...we were in a plane crash." Gen mutters. A pounding sound gets everyone's attention.

"Do you hear...do you hear that sound? Where is that sound coming from?" Meredith asks.

"There." Arizona points behind Meredith. "It's coming from over there."

Mark helps Gen hobble over with Cristina and Meredith towards the sound of the pounding. "Derek!" Meredith calls out. "Lexie!" They stop as they come to the back part of the plane.

"Lexie." Gen mutters seeing the hand using the seatbelt to bang on the side of the plane to get anyone's attention. Mark leans Gen against the plane as he crawls underneath to check on Lexie.

"I knew you'd show up." Lexie has blood coming from her mouth as Mark checks her vitals.

"How is she?" Meredith asks Mark.

"She's awake and responsive." Mark answers. He turns his attention back to Lexie. "How you doing in there?"

"I'm...I'm great." Lexie answers.

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