On Trial

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I loved writing this chapter and I hope you all enjoy the little twist I added.

Meredith's Baby Shower Four Months Ago

"Do you feel as terrible as I do?" Mer asks me as I pile my plate full of food.

"All I know is I have gained so much weight with these babies and I don't regret it one bit." I state as I grab another macaroni cup.

"All I want to do is sleep."

"That tends to happen towards the end. I know when I was pregnant with Davina it was almost impossible for me to finish my residency with no coffee."

"Gen." Callie and Cristina come over to us. "Do you know about Travis Reed?"

"The snowboarder?" I ask not sure if I have the correct person.

"Yes, the snowboarder." Callie confirms for me.

"He needs a new hip and I told him Callie should do it." Cristina explains.

"How do you even know him?" Callie asks.

"I was a second-year resident. He was my first solo valve replacement. Yeah, and six months before he came out of nowhere and won all those gold medals on the half-pipe. I believe my valve is what gives him his edge." Cristina boasts about her skills.

"So humble." I tease her.

"His heart is my Mona Lisa. Don't screw it up." Cristina orders Callie.

"Excuse me." Arizona comes over. "Where's the onesie decorating station?"

"There isn't one." Cristina answers. "There's a margarita decorating station, though."

"Hell yes, she does! Our idea!" I high-five Cristina with pride over us throwing the perfect shower for Meredith.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What kind of baby shower...doesn't have a onesie decorating station? I mean, I had already figured out my design. It was gonna be a star and a moon, and it was gonna say McDreamy." Arizona is loving remembering her idea. "Get it? That's cute, right?"

"Is it time to open the gifts yet? I need to sit down. My feet are like sausages." Meredith complains to us.

"Oh, come on, Mer." Cristina and I help Mer take a seat on the couch.

"I know it's early but..." I hand over an envelope to Meredith.

"What is this?"

"Well since it is your baby shower and you are the expecting mother I can only hope you understand how all of this works." I explain to her. She opens it and her eyes widen. "It's an all-weekend paid expense to a spa that specializes in expecting mommies. They pay special attention to your ankles, feet, and backs. They are a godsend. My sister Colette gifted me this and it is amazing." I reassure her.

"Thanks, Gen." Meredith smiles.

"Mark is really good at rubbing feet. He did it for Callie and me through both our pregnancies." I offer her.

"Oh, I don't want to make him do that. He's...he's making balloon animals for the kids." Meredith says.

"Don't worry. MARK!" I yell making everyone in the room jump. The balloon animal Mark was making pops from him losing control.

"Yes?" He asks slightly scared.

"Mer would really love it if you would rub her feet."


"Only if you want to McSteamy." Meredith states.

"Get ready to leave your husband Grey." Mark passes the balloon animal items to Derek and heads over to rub Meredith's feet.

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