Saying Goodbye Before You Can Say Hello

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I hated this episode for Jackson and April. It still breaks my heart when they lost Samuel.

3rd Person POV

"Zola's gonna push for cookies after dinner. Don't fall for it." Meredith drills in her rules to Alex. "And Bailey's blanket is in the dryer."

"Yeah, why don't you tell this to Jo?" Alex asks. "She's gonna be doing it."

"What?" Meredith is losing it. "You offered." She reminds Alex.

"I didn't offer. Jo did." Alex corrects. "I'm on call all weekend."

"What's going on?" Maggie asks, wanting to know what is getting Meredith all worked up.

"I can't leave my kids with Wilson. Wilson is a hoodlum. I leave my kids with my person." Meredith explains. "Cristina did it all the time. And so does Gen."

"So then asks The McSteamy's!" Alex exclaims.

"I can't. Davina is sick with a stomach bug, and Gen doesn't want to pass it on to my kids." Meredith explains. "Believe me; I tried getting the kids with her first."

"Talk to Jo." Alex repeats.

"No, Jo!" Meredith storms off.

"She asked you to watch her kids?" Maggie asks Alex.

"Yeah, she's wigging out about trying to go to D.C. to see Derek." Alex answers.

"Why didn't she ask me? I'm a person." Maggie says. Alex scoffs at her comment.

"That's not what she meant."


"And you don't want to be, trust me." Alex says. "It's a pain in the ass. Ask Sloan; he gets kicked out of his bed not for having a fight with his wife but for Gen being Meredith's person." Alex leaves Maggie confused.

"But I'm a person." Maggie repeats.

"Hey, did Bailey say she would cover for you?" Gen asks Meredith.

"No, she refused." Meredith answers.

"Well, if we were the same specialty, you know I would cover for you in a heartbeat."

"I know. Davina still sick?"

"Sadly, yes. So far, the other kids haven't gotten it, but it's just a matter of time they all get sick."

"Bummer. Zola would have loved to have a sleepover."

"Have you asked Callie?"

"She has her hands full with Sofia and being a single parent now. I couldn't ask her to take on two more kids." Meredith explains.


"He said Jo was watching them."

"Jo is great." Gen says, but Meredith glares at her.

"Jo is a hoodlum. Hoodlum's don't watch my kids."

"I've had Jo watch my kids."

"But that..."

"She is great with kids. You'll like her if you give her a chance."

"Not going to happen."

"I could offer you my nanny, but she's on a family vacation for two weeks." Gen says.

"I know everything is happening at once. Do you have surgeries today?" Gen shakes her head.

"Today is the day and...I'm covering all of Herman's and my patients. I'm even educating Graham, her fellow."

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