Conduit and Bridal Showers

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Thank you for all of the support in the last couple of chapters. I have the best time reading and responding to each of your comments.

"I cannot believe you took Kepner to a sex shop." Alex is laughing his ass off as we get dinner and drinks at Joe's.

"Her eyes were so big I swear she almost passed out." I laugh remembering April's horrified look as I passed another sex toy to her.

"What did you get her?"

"I got her the vibrator that mimics a tongue and vibrating underwear."

"Nice." Alex high-fives me.

"I thought it was very tamed things to start her off with but just enough to get her ready for her wedding night." I explain.

"And you're going to be in her wedding."

"I know she asked me and I was so touched that she did. Her other bridesmaids are her sisters."


"They're her sisters."

"If they're anything like Kepner that could...that's just too much." He complains to me.

"April is wonderful and you know it. Just admit it."

"She's still annoying."

"She's better when you get to know her. Plus Matthew calms her down. She is actually a lot of fun."

"Stop trying to push Kepner on me. It's never going to happen."

"What do you think about Cristina's surgery?" I ask him needing to get a second opinion.

"I think it's out there and she could easily use the synthetic graft."

"Yeah she could but...I've read her research and if this works Nathan could live a very long and healthy life. One that the synthetic graft couldn't give him."

"So you're okay with her experimenting on a kid? A baby no less."

"Just because it's a kid doesn't make what she's doing dangerous."

"She's trying to prove something about herself and it could endanger a kid."

"Or it could give them a chance at life without another major cardiac surgery." I argue. "Cristina is not thoughtless. No matter what Meredith has said."

"I'm not listening to any BS Mer is saying about Yang. I don't get into that girl drama."

"Do you ever wish you were doing some big research?" I ask.

"Like Mer and Cristina?"

"Or like Callie and Derek. They are all doing these groundbreaking research studies and...I'm...barely able to get up and pull myself out of bed most days."

"If you want to do a research study then do one. Nothing is keeping you from it."

"Something is. I already took so much time away from my family with starting my two fellowships. I couldn't add a research study on top of that."

"Pretty sure Sloan would make it work."

"I know he would but he shouldn't have to. I have taken so much already from him that I need to think about him for once."

"Drop the kids off with me and Jo and I can watch them."

"It's not someone watching the kids that's an issue. I have our nanny who we use way too much but...I don't want to miss more of my kid's life than I already do for work. I want that balance but...something always has to give and I don't want it to be my kids. So I've accomplished a lot in my career. But it doesn't mean I can't feel sad about not doing what my friends are doing."

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