Hello There

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I hope you all enjoy this chapter. I loved writing this chapter.

"Ew, you're still having sex with that?" I gag thinking about Cristina and her weird boss.

"Hey, no judging. You're married to McSteamy and can have sex with him any time you want." Cristina reminds me.

"I'm sorry is there no one else in the whole state of Minnesota that you could be sex friends with besides the creep?" I ask her as I grab my caseload for the day.

"I...he's convenient that's all."

"He's a creeper and uh...he seems to lack courage to do anything."

"Well, you're not wrong there." She agrees. "He's good that's all that matters right now. So..."

"How is ancient guy?" I ask her.

"He's my bestie."

"I'm hurt." I tease her and she laughs.

"You're still my person so don't worry." Cristina assures me.

"Derek talked us not into taking the settlement."

"Mer told me. Was that the right move?"

"I don't know. I...what is the right and wrong move in this situation? I mean no amount of money will make up for what we went through. What our families had to go through when we were..."

"Missing for four days in the woods." Cristina finishes for me.

"Mark and I have been seeing Dr. Wyatt more."

"Really? How has that been?"

"Not great. I...Mark is dealing with a lot of things. He just won't talk to me about it."

"Owen never talked to me about his issues. So maybe he just needs to work it out on his own."

"Maybe but...we always talked things out. Mark has a lot of PTSD from the crash and...now with Alex fully moved out the house seems cold and lonely and all I want is my husband back." I complain to Cristina.

"You and McSteamy are made for one another. You will work it out. I know it."

"I wish you were here."

"I know." My pager goes off.

"I have to go. My interns need me."

"We'll talk again."

"Dr. Benoist I ran your labs and..."

"Did you find anything out of the ordinary?" I ask Wilson.

"Uh...your patient with the bone deformity may be a good candidate for that trail study you looked into in L.A..."

"Can you tell me where Dr. Benoist is?" I perk up hearing that voice.

"Sorry, sir we don't give out the location for our staff. Do you have an appointment?"

"I don't have one. Just can you tell me where she is I..."

"What the hell are you doing here?" I stand in front of someone I didn't think I would ever see here.

"Sup sis." Henry smirks at me and I shake my head.

" Henry smirks at me and I shake my head

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