Getting Stronger

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Thank you for the support. I love reading all of your comments. Enjoy this update.

The beautiful Sofia Robbin Torres was born and we're all madly in love with her. Callie is recovering slowly but she's recovering. Arizona, Cristina, Bailey, and I stand in front of Callie motivating her to continue moving her fingers. "You got this." We cheer her on.

"Go. Go.

"Focus. Focus."

"Come on, come on, come on." I urge Callie as she keeps trying.

"Yeah, yeah. Go." Cristina cheers her on.

"Yes!!!!" We shout as she does it.

"Felicitations Callie." I applaud Callie. Congratulations Callie

"All right! All right! Good job."

"Yay fingers." Callie lets out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah. Yeah." Bailey is excited even if she won't fully show it. The excitement fades and the anxiety kicks back in for Callie as she begins to cry.

"It's okay." Arizona tries to comfort her. "You're retraining your brain. Getting your fingers straight was the goal for today, okay?" She reminds Callie.

"Mm-hmm." Callie mutters.

"Little goals, remember." Bailey reminds her. "All right, let me get in there to check her incision."

"Good morning. Baby report. Boom." Mark comes him fist-bumping Arizona.

"I'm gonna go see her." Arizona begins to leave the room. "Hey. You're awesome." She points at Callie with a smile on her face.

"Oh, gimme, gimme, gimme." Callie pleads with Mark to show her pictures of Sofia.

"See? She's moving her arm like she's waving." Mark shows Callie a video he took of Sofia from earlier this day.

"She still doesn't open her eyes, but she only stopped breathing once last night." I explain to Callie as she looks at her baby with so much love.

"And get this...her brain bleeds still grade 1." Mark boats and Callie's smile gets even bigger.

"Good girl. She looks bigger." Her smile fades and I motion for Mark to take the phone away but he doesn't see me. "Is she bigger?" Callie asks.

"All right some of us are still working." Bailey comes in to move Mark away. "Let me get in there, please." Bailey moves Mark.

"Okay, I have a consult I have to go. How are you?" Mark asks Callie.

"Um...I almost got my hand straight." Callie informs him as she fights back tears.

"That's great." Mark replies to her.

"Mm-hmm. Yeah." Callie mutters.

"I'll see you beautiful at lunch." Mark kisses my goodbye and heads out.

"So today? I can see her today?" Callie asks as Bailey checks her incisions. Bailey gives her a look and we can all feel the pain in Callie's heart.

"I'm sorry."


"But until..."


"You can be mobilized and your infections are completely gone, you cannot see her. And she cannot leave the NICU." Callie begins sobbing into her pillow. "Now you know I would if I could." Bailey tries to calm her but nothing but seeing Sofia will do that.

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