Life Changing

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Here's an update, enjoy.

"It's three days. We're gonna be fine." Mark assures Arizona and Callie as they drop Sofia off with us while they go on their trip. "Say, bye mommies." Mark makes Sofia wave. "Have fun at the conference mommies."

"Bye-bye baby boo." Callie smiles at her baby.

"We will take very good care of her. And Theo can't wait to have more fun with his best friend." I explain to them as Theo still clings to my chest. Hiding his face in my hair.

"Just one more kiss." Arizona says coming back to kiss Sofia one more time.

"I'm gonna miss you so much."

"Bye." Mark waves goodbye to them as they leave.

"The four of us are going to have so much fun." I state making Theo look at Sofia. "Theo, say hi." I instruct and he just screams.

"Not the reaction I was hoping for." Mark jokes.

"He'll get used to her. It just takes a little bit of adjustment." I assure Mark. "Come on I have something they can do. I lead Mark to the outside where I have paints and canvas out.

"What's this?" He asks me confused.

"I thought it would nice to make some paintings for us as well as Callie and Arizona with our babies making handprints and we turn them into some form of art. Theo loves crafts and it's just something cute to keep when they get older." I explain.

"This is going to get messy." Mark comments.

"Which is why we are doing this outside." I state as I change Theo into an old shirt I won't mind if he gets dirty. "Here change Sofia into this old onesie that Theo has outgrown." I bring Theo's high chair close to the table and place him in it.

"Sofia mia hello." Mark is loving all over her and she is loving him. "You're so pretty. Yes, you are. So very pretty."

"Dada." Theo calls out for Mark.

"Switch?" Mark asks and I nod my head. He comes over to change Theo into his shirt.

"I've thought about it." I speak up as I stand Sofia up pulling on the onesie.

"What?" Mark asks as Theo is climbing all over him.

"I'm going to do it."

"Really?" He asks and I nod my head.

"I would be insane not to...I know it will make things hard but...we can handle anything that comes our way." I assure Mark.

"If this is what you want to do. I'll support you the whole way."

"Really?" I ask him surprised.

"You're my wife Gen. Your dreams and passions are my dreams and passions." Mark exclaims.

"I love you." I lean over with Sofia in my arms and kiss Mark but Theo blocks us by kissing me instead.

"Can you imagine this will soon be our life?" Mark asks me.

"I know and...I can't wait." I say with a smile.

Mark's POV

Having my surgery bumped due to an accident sucks but that means I get to spend time with Sofia and Theo. Theo is walking more and more and it makes things so difficult. I never thought I would be the parent that depends on the playpen but it's my saving grace with a toddler and a baby in my care. Gen is taking over Callie's service again. Working overtime and I get dad and godfather duty and it feels so good. "And then dada used 5-0 monocryl inside the big man's nose and poof. Like magic, there was no scar at all." I explain to Theo who is building a house out of the blocks Gen's mom sent him for his birthday. He loves them mostly because in the end he can make them crash down and for some reason it makes him laugh. Sofia is bouncing up and down in her bouncy chair.

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