Tests and Stress

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Here is part 1 of the boards chapters. Enjoy.

We finally make it to the hotel where our careers are decided. All I can think about is the kids and how much this is a mistake of me leaving them. April bumps into some guy in a baseball cap. "Ow!"

"Oh, sorry." The guy apologizes to April.

"That's...oh Case Western Reserve." April points to his hat. "Uh, do you know Ted Stevenson, head of Trauma?"

"I do, yeah."

"He just offered me a job. I might be an attending there. April Kepner, Seattle." She holds her hand out.

"Keven Banks. I'm the guy whose job you took." April lowers her hand. "I was waiting to hear, but I guess I just heard. Thanks a lot." Kevin walks away pissed.

"Well, he hates me." April comments as she joins us.

"How do you do that?" Alex asks her. "You've been here like two minutes."

"My examiner is gonna hate me too, instantly." April states to us.

"Just don't tell them about the job you stole from them." I joke with April but she's in a delicate stage.

"I...everyone hates me." She freaks out.

"Don't psych yourself out." Cristina tries to calm her down.

"One in five people fail the boards." April informs her.

"Fine. Psych yourself out."

"It's just a test. We've all dealt with worse. No one's bleeding out on your table. We will be fine." Jackson reassures April.

"Why won't Mark pick up?" I ask dialing his number again.

"You're calling Sloan again?" Jackson asks me.

"He's my husband. Of course I'm calling him." I snap.

"Dude, he's working and there's nothing he's going to tell you differently than what he's already said." Alex assures me.

"What if the kids need me? What if they are forgetting what I look like? I'm their mom and I need to be there with them and I'm not so..."

"Gen." Alex shakes my shoulders. "Get it together. The kids are fine. You are going to take your boards in a few short days you can go back to changing diapers and picking up toys."


"Hey." He points his finger at me.

"Cristina. Gen." Meredith places her hand on Cristina and my shoulder dragging us away with her.

"What?" Cristina asks her.

"Zola has the stomach flu." Meredith informs us.

"So? Kids get sick. Derek's with her." Cristina talks her down.

"Zola has the stomach flu." Meredith repeats and I look at her with wide eyes.

"Oh, no. No, Mer you can't be sick. You cannot be sick." Cristina says to her.

"Wait if Zola has it...she's been playing with Theo all week." My eyes widen. "Damnit it Mark pick up the damn phone." I dial his number again getting his voicemail. "Hey, this is my twentieth call you've ignored. You better have a damn good reason. Zola has the stomach flu. Which means it's only a matter of time for Theo and Davina. I need you to call me so I can know if I need to come home and be there for my babies. Call me Mark fucking Sloan or I will end you!" I hang up and people stare at me. "Want to mind your own business?" I snap at them. I whip my head around to the sound of Meredith throwing up in the middle of the lobby. This just got worse.

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