Something New

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I hope you all enjoy this sweet update.

Today is the day. This is the first day of my fellowship. In one short year, I will become triple board-certified and I'm terrified but excited all at the same time. "I sent your husband down to the gift shop. He fainted last time we talked about needles." Herman explains to Jaclyn.

"Oh, he's such a lightweight."

"Well hopefully, he's buying you some chocolate." Herman. "Benoist, what does your husband bring you when you were pregnant?"

"Anything salty. That was my big craving. Popcorn was my favorite."

"Was your husband a lightweight when it came to needles?" Jaclyn asks me.

"Hardly." Herman laughs. "Dr. Benoist's husband is the head plastic surgeon here."

"Wow, that is amazing." Jaclyn states. "How many kids do you have?"

"Two. I adopted my three-year-old son Theo from China when he was six months old and my daughter Davina is about to turn one." I explain.

"Wow, such fun ages. This is my first one.' Jaclyn rubs her belly.

"Dr. Benoist present." Herman orders.

"Jaclyn Werlein 23 weeks along with a recent fetal echo of her baby's heart confirmed critical aortic stenosis. Today we will perform a fetal aortic valvuloplasty in order open up the narrowed aortic valve." I present.

"Your B.P.'s a little high. You feeling okay?" Herman asks Jaclyn.

"I'm a little nervous. The idea of a giant needle going through me and baby's teeny heart. There doesn't seem to be much room for error." Jaclyn looks at me and I feel her pain.

"Well, you have the best surgeon on the case." I state looking to Herman. "When I had an accident with my daughter I had to deliver early and there was no one better than Dr. Herman. I trust her above anyone with my baby and you should too." I assure Jaclyn.

"May I ask what the accident was?"

"I was transporting a newborn baby from a hospital that was not equipped to handle her needs and the ambulance broke down. Then we were hit by a car not seeing us on the side of the road and I fell on my belly. Dr. Herman saved my baby." Jaclyn grips my hand nodding her head.

"Jaclyn, I'm not even going to insert the needle until I'm sure your baby's in the precise position that he needs to be." Herman assures her.


"Position is critical to success. If the fetus isn't facing forward, chest up, we can't get to the apex of the heart." Herman lectures me as I carefully align the fetus. "Perfect Benoist. Couldn't have done it better myself." Herman compliments me.

"We have direct access now." I announce to her.

"You've been practicing in the lab." Herman comments.

"I told you I was serious about this fellowship and I have lots of time now."

"I had some doubt."

"What?" I look at her.

"I'll be honest when the crash happened I thought for sure I lost my start fellow. I lost the chance to make someone great."

"The crash changed me in a lot of ways pushed to me to take every chance life throws at me."

"You know for the longest time I thought me mentoring you would be hard."

"Why?" I ask her as she allows me to close up.

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