Second Chances

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Are we excited for Grey's tomorrow? I know I am. I will always love this show even if the writing is not always the best.

Lexie's POV

"Have you seen Dr. Shepherd?" I ask a nurse.


"No, Amelia Shepherd." I clarify.

"I think she's giving a tour."

"Thank you." I run off needing to inform her of Derek being back and how this can complicate things for us again.

"I am co-head of the department of neurosurgery, and that means..."

"Dr. Shepherd." I say her name out of breath from running.

"Good, there you are, Dr. Grey." She drapes her arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to her.

"I have to talk to you..."

"Dr. Lexie Grey is the other head of neurosurgery." Richard explains to the group of kids on their tour. "They work together as a team and prove that everything is better when you have another helping hand."

"Yeah, about really ne..." A kid raises his hand.

"Yes." Amelia points to him.

"What is neuro?" He asks.

"It means Dr. Grey, and I operate on brains." Amelia points to her head, and the kids; ooh and aw.

"Cool!" The kids exclaim with excitement.

"It's very cool actually because we fix the big squishy, slimy computer that runs your whole body. If the brain goes, everything goes." Amelia explains.

"It is the coolest." Derek joins us, and I see the anger in Amelia's eyes.

" Derek joins us, and I see the anger in Amelia's eyes

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"And uh, this is Dr. Derek Shepherd, and he's a member of our board and um..." Richard is lost for words on how to describe Derek's presence here when we all thought he was in D.C.

"I'm here, brother." Derek says, motioning to Amelia. "I'm also a neurosurgeon. I work for her."

"See, this is what I wanted to talk to you about." I whisper to Amelia.

"Your sister's your boss?" A kid questions Derek.

"My sister's my boss." Derek confirms.

"Okay, kids, uh, let's keep moving. Uh, thank you, doctors." Richard takes the tour group and heads in a different direction.

"See, that is why I was running all the way over here." I tell Lexie.

"Yeah, you could have tried saying it again." Amelia says.

"I tried."

"How hard was that for you to say?" Amelia questions Derek.

"Rolls off the tongue." Derek seems to be lying.

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