Uphill Battle

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Thank you all for the support. I love reading your comments and predictions. It gives me motivation to keep writing.

"Her liver has been packed the next 24 hours are crucial. Monitor her closely." Meredith orders Wilson.

"Uh, Meredith and Gen. Do you two have a moment?" Webber asks and the rest of the staff leaves the room. "Do you two want me to take point in this?"

"On our patient? No." I answer him. Richard moves closer to us with a concerned look on his face.

"Meredith and Gen I'm concerned that...this may be hitting a little too close to home. I mean after what you've both been through, what...what happened with...Lexie. Same injuries, same age." He lists off to us.

"What's your point?" Meredith asks him.

"Emotions might be clouding your judgments." He advises us.

"They're not." I assure him and I know Mer is getting uncomfortable now.

"Excuse us. We have to go check on our patient." Mer takes the file and looks at me.

"I'll be there in a bit." I state to her and she heads out.

"Gen...I'm just worried that..."

"Richard. It means the world to us that you care for us this much to check if we can do this. It really does."

"But can you both do this? After what happened to Lexie?" He asks again.

"I can assure you that our emotions are not clouding anything. We will act professionally and with integrity. Our patient is in the best care possible."

"Are you sure of that?"

"Yes!" I hit my hand on the table shocking both of us. "I am damn sure of it Richard." I feel my cheek wet now. "Lexie is not dead. She is in rehab learning to become a surgeon again. She is alive and...I will be damned if my patient doesn't survive when she has the best medical care at her service when Lexie made it after being stranded in the woods for four days! My judgment is not clouded." I storm out needing to give myself some space to think. I throw myself against the nearby wall. I slide down letting myself cry. I feel broken again and I hate feeling this way.

I get myself together as I meet Mer in the ICU. "Is it insane of us to leave her with the interns?" She asks me.

"Very insane but...Mark is still in surgery and I need to take the kids home."

"I know and Derek is out of town."

"You could stay at our house." I offer.

"Oh, you don't need to do that. I..."

"I hate being alone in the house if Mark is going with just the kids. It feels lonely and quiet. I feel safer and more at ease when I have a house full of my people." I explain to her. We watch as the interns take over caring for Melissa. "Do you ever feel so old that we're no longer that?" I motion to them.

"We were never that. We were better." Meredith states with pride.

"We assisted in the cover-up of cutting an LVAD wire. We stole a heart.  Slept with our bosses. We weren't angels." I remind her and we laugh.

"No, we were far from angels." Meredith admits. Cristina calls us and explains what is happening with her giant aneurysm.

"It's going to be fine." I assure her.

"Thomas made me leave my patient. Now she's gonna die and he'll be fired." She explains to us.

"Little dramatic don't you think?" I ask her.

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