Celebrations and Acrobatics

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Enjoy this sweet update.

Gen's POV

"Hell yes!!!!" Mark is cheering at the news of our twins. He is so excited. "More Sloan's on the way!!!!"

"Felicitations mon ange." Congratulations my angel. My mom kisses each of my cheeks.

"J'ai l'impression que je ne merite pas ca." I feel like I don't deserve this. I admit to her. She brushes the hair out of my face and holds my chin up.

"Tu merites ce Bonheur et plus encore ma Cherie." You deserve this happiness and more my darling.

"Vous et papa semblex mieux vous entendre." You and dad seem to be getting along more. I comment. We look over to Mark and my dad posing for photos together with the men of our family. Each of my nephews are loving getting to know their grandfather for the first time.

"Il etait la pour moi quand j'ai appris ques vous etiex dans un accident d'avion. Il etait a nouveau mon meilleu ami. Il etait l'homme qui a pris trois engants de maniere desinteressee, car ils etaient les siens." He was there for me when I got the new you were in a plane crash. He was my best friend again. He was the man who selflessly took on three children as they were his own. She explains to me. I notice the look she's giving my father and I tilt my head a ther.

"Maman?" Mom? I question her.

"Oh no, it's nothing like that it's just...we've been talking a lot more. Almost every night ever since the crash. He even makes the effort to come to New York more often and...it's nice having my best friend again." She admits to me.

"Are you still in love with dad?" I ask her.

"I never stopped loving him." She answers.

"And does he feel the same way?"

"Genevieve it's..."

"Are you and dad getting back together?" I ask her with a smile on my face.

"There is nothing certain but...we never got divorced. So we're still technically married and...it's not a traditional marriage by any means but it's working for us. The romance is there Genevieve and...I'll never forget the hurt he caused me but...time can heal some wounds and I'm willing to go through life with him by my side however it happens. As my partner, best friend, or anything in between." I pull my mom into a hug.

"Love is a strange thing mom. I...I never thought I would forgive Mark for leaving me and...but I know now that I could never live without him."

"You have made a wonderful life for yourself Genevieve. I am so proud of you."

"Excuse me is this on?" We turn to where the sound is coming from and I see Herman with the microphone in one hand and a champagne bottle in the other. "This is some of the fanciest things I've ever seen but hey Benoist is nothing but fancy pants." I shake my head at her but I know her teasing is her showing love. "But on a serious note, I want to congratulate the god damn gorgeous couple on making more perfect angel children." Now I know she is so drunk. "All I want to say is...Benoist join me." She motions for me to come to her side. I maneuver my way until she has her arms wrapped around me pulling me close. "You are a pain in my ass."

"Uh, Dr. Herman..."

"You accept my fellowship and then you get a plane crash delaying my fellowship starting. Then you go full force on my service but stop as you begin to juggle being an attending for two other specialties along with being my fellow and pregnant with twins. I mean Benoist how do you not fall down more out of pure exhaustion?"

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